CHAPTER 21: No More Doubts

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"Okay. Explain." I tell him. 

"Can we go somewhere?" He asks. 

"Sure." I reply after thinking about it for a moment then start to follow him back towards his truck. 

He ends up taking us to some cafe in town where there doesn't seem to be a lot of people at and we have our own little corner towards the back of the place. 

"Okay. I first of all want to tell you that I swear I had nothing to with Sonya. In fact, I didn't even know really until not that long ago after Hamlet had told me and I'm sure it was my dad." He begins. 

"What's the deal with him anyways? What does he have against me when he knows NOTHING about me?" I ask. 

"It's pathetic I know, for whatever it is. But also, it doesn't matter because....." He stops himself. 

"Because....?" I ask. 

"Because I'm in love with you." He says. "I don't expect you to say it back or to even feel the same way. But it's the truth and I don't care what anyone else thinks, including my father." He adds. 

Wow! I didn't see this coming. 

"You love me?" I ask him just to make sure I heard him right. 

"Yes." He says. 

I haven't heard those words in a very long time. Never have I heard them from a guy even. I'm glad that he said it actually because I feel the same way and have felt it for a while now but wasn't sure if he'd feel the same way about me. 

"I love you too." I smile at him and take hold of his hand. 

"You don't have to say that because I told you." He says. 

"No. I really mean it. I've felt this way for a while but didn't trust it enough to say anything and wasn't sure what you'd think." I admit. 

We sat there for another couple of hours before I invited him over to my place and before we left, I had noticed after getting into the truck and looking in behind us, out the corner of my eye were a couple of bags. Was he leaving town? 

"What's with the bags?" I ask him. 

"I moved out." He says. 

"Really? When?" I ask. 

"Just today, right before I came to get you actually." He chuckles. 

"Where are you staying at then?" I asked concerned, hoping he didn't say in his car.

"Not sure yet. I was thinking for right now, a hotel." He replies. 

"Why don't you just come stay with me? My Aunt and Uncle won't be back still for a while and besides, I can always let them know ahead of time. They trust me." I offered. 

He looks at me with a cocked eyebrow. 

"Do they know about us even?" He asks me. 

"They do." I smiled. 

"Okay." He smiles back at me. 

So we head back to my place and after heading inside up to my bedroom, or I guess I should get used to calling it 'our' bedroom, I don't have much stuff anyways in general but, we make room in the dresser and he hangs up a few clothes. 

We both next lay down and relax in each other's arms on the bed and watch some TV. 

Moments later, I look up at him from his chest and notice he's smiling as he looks down at me into my eyes. 

"What?" I smile in reply. 

"You're so beautiful." He says. 

"Thank you." I respond. 

We start moving our lips closer and give one another at first, a quick kiss on the lips then it eventually soon after turns into a lustful one that next leads us to making love. 

I feel so comfortable around him. For the first time I also, I'm not doubting if rather or not this is real because I know it is.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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