CHAPTER 7: My New Favorite Quote

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There were many thoughts going through my head including why I had even come here. But something about being around him makes me feel calm and at ease. Which as good as it sounds, it also scares the hell out of me at the same time.

"Wanna dance?" I hear him ask me.

"Uh..." I started to think but I liked the song that had just started to play so I nodded my head. "Okay." I replied.

I stood up and we walked over to where there were already his friends and the girls some of them had brought with them were already dancing at and began slow dancing.

How can someone stand so damn close
And feel like they're worlds away
I can see your sad story eyes
So how do you have no words to say
All I want is to fall in deeper than I've ever been why won't you let me
Baby look at me and swear you won't lose me

Here you are, next to me
So much beauty at my feet
All I wanna do is swim
But the waves keep crashing in
No I'm not afraid to drown
Take me in take me out
I'm so tired of the shore
Let me in baby you're
An Ocean beautiful and blue...
I wanna swim in you

"I really am glad that you came." He says to me while we continue slow dancing and looking into my eyes.

"Me too." I reply with a smile.

Why was I feeling so damn nervous? Why am I even letting him make me feel this way? Then I started thinking about how I'm not the kind of girl he would go for ever anyways.

I know I shouldn't listen to rumors but he hasn't necessarily denied it neither it seems.

"What are you thinking about?" I hear him ask.

"Nothing." I lie.

"Not according to the look on your face." He chuckles.

He looks at me intently for a moment in the eyes and next takes my hand as we stop dancing.

"Come on, I want to show you something." He says.

Please don't let it be some place where nobody would be able to hear me scream.

"Um...." I began.

"I promise it's not that far and I swear I won't try anything." He tells me and I can't explain why but, I believe him and we start walking towards the barn.

He was right in the fact that it wasn't too far away as I could still see the glow of the fire through the trees.

"So what is it you wanted to show me?" I asked as we stop.

"This." He says as he points straight up ahead of us where I notice the moonlight bounce off the water to what looks to be a lake.

It's beautiful. I've only seen it in movies and pictures but never in real life before.

"Wow. It's beautiful." I comment.

"I like to come here a lot and look out on the water. It reminds me of the ocean. Which of course then reminds me of my father and his 'metaphor' for life." He chuckles to himself.

There is no way he just said that to me. Because that's the same thing my father used to always say too. Not that he was the only one who used it as a metaphor for life, but the fact that it's him, it just seems, I don't know.

"My dad use to use the same metaphor." I tell him.

"It's a good one." He comments.

We both then take a seat next to one another and sit for a moment looking out without saying anything.

"Do you take a lot of girls here?" I ask.

"That's random." He smiles. "But no. I've actually never shown anyone this spot before but for the bonfire, yes I have. Can you do me a favor though?" He asks.

"Sure." I replied.

"Don't listen to rumors or gossip. Not everything you hear is accurate always and even the parts that are, don't judge me please on my past in who I was before you came here." He says with a serious look on his face.

Now I feel bad. I hate it when people don't ever ask me if what all they've heard is true. Sometimes however, it's hard not to have it get to you.

"Okay, I won't. But can I ask you something?" I began.

"Anything." He says.

"How do you do it?" I curiously ask him.

"Do what?" He looks at me confused.

"How do you not let what others think or say about you NOT affect you?" I asked curiously.

"Well first of all, the world is filled with haters. They enjoy and get pleasure from putting others down instead of admitting their own insecurities. So why take it personal? Besides, if you spend all your time and energy on those who don't even care about you, you end up disappointed all the time and to me that's no way to live." He asks me with a cocked eyebrow.

"I know that's what we all should do but, I guess sometimes it can be hard to do that." I admit.

Next I feel his hand touch mine and entwines our fingers together.

"It doesn't happen over night but, it's possible to find light in the darkness. Just have to keep going even when you can't see where you're going at all and tend to bump into things along the way." He finishes.

I believe I have found my new favorite quote.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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