CHAPTER 16: Only Time Will Tell

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I can't believe that my dad had showed up unannounced all because that bitch slut Sonya knows Meadow and I are together and had blasted all over school what Meadow has done to herself.

Then after I told the principal and informed him how serious it all was, runs out it was her last strike and was expelled from school so to get me back she thought she would tell my dad about Meadow and what she did to herself, KNOWING how he'd react.

Then with him bringing up the stupid deal we made a couple of years ago in me moving to where he was after graduation and I would be set up for life financially and be given his company when he retired.

The thing is though, I wasn't thinking clearly and most importantly, I didn't have anything really look forward to until Meadow. Now all I care about is her.

Today while taking her back to her house to take a shower and get ready, since it is a school day and we have only missed first period, she mentioned along the way about how much she goes to group meetings every week because of a deal that she made with her aunt and uncle.

I was glad she told me and am glad she is trying to get better. I just hope that I can help her in any way possible.

She even asked me if I wanted to go with her sometime to the group and I told hr I would. Not that I needed help anymore with that since I had already gotten better, but I would go if that helped her.

She then talked about her parents and why she's here. I have to admit that I never thought of her life story to be the way it is but I am glad I found out. We seem to have more in common than I had ever thought.

Today while at school, I had felt a little better knowing that Sonya wasn't gonna be here anymore and honestly, so was Meadow as she told me she was actually relieved about it.

We had made it half way into second period class since I took her to breakfast first and the moment I walked into class with a big smile on my face, everyone looked at me bewildered and I heard several people whispering and snickering about most likely me and Meadow but hey, they are just jealous.

Then as soon as the bell rang, I made my way over towards Meadow to walk her to another class and saw that my friends had already greeted her and were making her laugh.

I am truly lucky on so many levels. Levels that my father nor anyone else will ever understand. Even me maybe. My friends liking my girl and her liking them is rare and awesome all at the same time.

When I got to her and greeted the guys, I gave her a kiss then took hold of her hand and we walked through the halls to her next class and people looked at us as they talked and whispered again but Meadow and I are starting to think of it as white noise.

Then I saw Sonya's two best friends or evil slutty minions. But they weren't glaring or anything as they stopped in front of us.

"Hey." Irena greeted us.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"We wanted to apologize for what Sonya did to you. We tried to stop her but couldn't." She began to explain and looked at Meadow. "We're sorry for ever following her and bullying you. We told the principal many other things she was planning on doing to you and that's how she got suspended." She says.

I look at Meadow who then looks at me and then back at the girls who we both can tell are being genuine right now.

"It's okay. And if you want, you girls can sit with us at lunch." Meadow offers.

Which I am both shocked, surprised and yet am filled with admiration of how mature she is being.

But these girls aren't still getting off that easy. I guess only time will tell.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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