CHAPTER 10: Our Date

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I had never expected to get so attached as fast as I have with Meadow but what can I say, she's worth the fall.

I couldn't wait to see her and decided to stop by earlier to pick her up for us to go out but when I got to her house and knocked on the door a few times, she didn't answer. I next tried her cell phone but it went straight to voicemail. Was she blowing me off? Was this her way of saying she wasn't interested?

I sat on the steps to wait for her to come home and began to worry a little bit. Then I noticed her walking towards here and as soon as she smiled at me, I instantly smiled back and stood up.

"Hey." She says as she comes in for a hug.

"Hey beautiful." I tell her as I give her a hug back then a kiss on the lips.

"Have you been here long?" She asks me.

"Nah. Just a couple of minutes. Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. I just had an appointment. It was no big deal." She shrugs and smiles. "Come on inside where it's a little warmer."

She unlocks the door and we head inside and after closing the door behind us, she offers me a drink.

"I'm good. Thanks." I tell her. "So, you ready to go out? I'm sorry I'm early." I began to apologize.

"Don't be. I'll just be a few minutes in getting ready then I'll be down and we can leave." She says.

Half an hour later, I see her come walking downstairs wearing jeans that fit her curves perfectly along with a shirt that is peeking out a little underneath her hooded sweatshirt that she seems to wear almost all the time when it's near the eighties.

It's none of my business and maybe she is just one of those people who wears them because she is self-conscious or something along those lines. Anyways, it's none of my business and no big deal really, so I just forget about it.

"So what do you have planned for tonight?" She asks me as we start making our way towards the door.

"It depends. Are you comfortable with a fancy place or would you feel more comfortable with something still fun but not as fancy?" I ask curiously. "Because I want you to feel comfortable." I assure her, which makes her smile.

"Something nice but not too fancy, is good." She replies. "Maybe some other time we can possibly go to a fancy place?" She says in what sounds more like a question.

"Whatever you'd like." I chuckled a little as she locked the door behind her and walked towards the car where I held her door opened for her before she got in.

We started making our way to the place I wanted to take her at that I knew would be a lot of fun. Might also be a little cliche, maybe even childish but I have a feeling she'll like just the same as I always have.

There isn't much to do in a small town such as this one, however this is one of the few many fun activities there is to do here.

During the car ride over I had her turn on the radio and choose whatever. When Linkin Park's song came on 'One More Light'  I noticed she became quiet.

I thought it was even cute with her having her eyes closed as she smiled a little while mouthing the lyrics, forgetting I was here in the car next to her.

What I find to be interesting is how this girl went from being super shy and timid to a little more out there. Well at least around me. Hopefully, I can help her see eventually that it doesn't matter what others think.

Soon enough, we arrive at the parking lot that seems to be packed and at first I felt like maybe this might not be okay with her since a lot of people are here and it didn't even hit me until just this moment about how she can get around a lot of people. Then again, I'm here with her, I know Sonya and then though wouldn't ever be caught dead here. So we're safe there. They're too 'classy' quote-on-quote, she has always said.

After we got out of the car, she looked like she was a little worried after noticing a few kids from our school acting like jackasses right outside the place as they were hanging out and being idiots.

I next took her hand in mine and we started heading towards inside. Once we were inside, she smiled more.

"So what would you like to do first?" I asked her.

"I don't know, what do you suggest?" She asks me.

"Well, do you like bowling?" I suggest.

"Yeah. Haven't bowled in a long time, but that sounds good." She replied.

We walk over towards the guy behind counter to pay for several games and rent some shoes.

After that, we go to our lanes and put on our bowling shoes then pick out a ball each before we start to play and of course I have her go first.

I'm not going to lie, watching her bend over even just a little bit before taking a few steps up to the lane and tossing the ball, made me hot.

Now I have to try and make sure it goes away before it's my turn-shit, she bowled a strike.

Next I try to distract her as I walk towards my ball.

"I thought you said you haven't bowled in a long time?!?" I teased.

"Just luck I guess." She smiles.

"Well good job. Now, watch the Pro." I joke as I am not the best at this game.

I look at the ten pins then walked up to the line you stop at before tossing the ball and as soon as I did, it was going straight down the middle seeming like I was going to get a strike, then gravity had other plans as towards the end it curved just enough to know down four of the ten pins off on the side.

I had felt a little embarrassed when I turned and looked at Meadow as she sat in the seat behind the scoring screen and smiled at me.

So I walked up to her and bent down to give her a kiss. 

"For luck." I winked and smiled at her then went back to pick up my ball again and try to knock down the rest.

Even though I had only two pins still up after trying for the 'spare', I still felt good.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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