CHAPTER 19: Why So Distant?

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For the last few days, it seems for some reason he has been acting a little different with me. Almost like he's upset and confused possibly with something, which seems like maybe with me and yet isn't telling me anything.

He seems a bit distant, I guess is a better way of putting it.

Today while at school, after first period, I noticed that Sonya was back. She was smirking and talking to her new group of friends. Hopefully the Principal doesn't see her.

I tried to ignore her and tried to sneek my way through the crowd undetected but she somehow caught up and stopped me and cornered me up against somebody's locker.

"So you've been enjoying your time with my man?" She asks.

"He's not yours Sonya. Besides, aren't you trespassing?" I ask.

"I take it you didn't hear that I was released and all charges were dropped along with me  being able to come back here." She grins in an evil way.

"What did you do? Sleep with the judge and then the Principal?" I snapped at her.

She begins glaring at me like she's about to tear my head off.

"I see you've gotten brave since I've been gone. And why don't you ask your so called 'boyfriend', Ryker? His father is the one who got me out on bail." She smirks.

"Hey!" We then hear her 'old' friends call out as they walked up to us.

"Well well well. If it isn't the bitches who betrayed me." Sonya states as she faces them.

"Fuck off Sonya! And stay the hell away from Meadow." One of them warns her as they come and start walking me towards my next class which I happen to have with them both.

"Pff. Whatever. I'm not afraid of you sluts. In fact, you all should watch your backs." She remarks as we continue to walk off.

"Don't worry about her. That bitch will never change." One of them says.

We start laughing while heading towards the class.

In between classes, I didn't see Ryker or even his friends here waiting to walk me towards my next class. So when lunchtime came around, I thought I would just see if they were all okay.

When I went towards the spot we all normally eat it however, none of them were there and instead there was a few different people in that spot.

What's the deal? Are they all sick or something? What's going on?

I had a feeling that this had to do with something I said or did although I don't remember doing any one to offend him or upset him.

After school was finished, I headed to his house and knocked on the door. Hamlet had answered and he looked real tired. Almost like he partied real hard as his hair was really messy and all over the place and had on the same clothes he wore yesterday.

"Hi Hamlet." I greeted him.

"Hey Meadow." He half smiles with sympathy in his eyes.

"Is Ryker here?" I ask.

"He's asleep. He hasn't been feeling too good lately. I'll tell him you stopped by." He says before starting to close the door but I stop it.

"Wait. Can you at least tell me what is wrong? The truth? Please?" I asked.

"It's not my place. But I promise that you are not at fault for what's going on with him. He's had a recent fight with his dad and just needs tome right now to rest." He tells me.

"Okay." I replied. "Well I hope he gets better and to let him know that Sonya is back at school." I tell him.

"What? Are you serious?" He looks at me shocked.

"Yeah. I'm surprised he didn't tell you. He's the one who had her released and somehow was able to convince the Principal to let her back in." I tell him. "Anyways, I've got to get going. I have an appointment. See ya guys later." I tell him.

While walking towards the bus stop, I couldn't help but feel sad and hurt. There was something he wasn't telling me for whatever reason and maybe he feels guilty about not telling me about her but I don't care that she came back. I just want to know why he's so distant.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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