CHAPTER 1: I Already Hate This Place

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I'm a huge movie buff and movies are the escapes from my reality. So I always thought life was like a movie. Except there wasn't a FAST FORWARD or REWIND button. There was only PLAY and STOP.

I was eight years old when my dad died from an accident at work. He worked in a factory and a big dye that flattened big metal pieces had fallen onto him one day.

He was like my best friend and I felt like that day I lost him and everything else in my world that mattered. I shut down. I distances myself from life. There was no point.

I would never have my father take me to father/daughter dances or have him walk me down the aisle or any of that. I had only my mom and we weren't close.

Then after he was gone, my friends, once I had returned back to school, seemed to treat me like a disease and distanced themselves from me. They made cruel jokes about my father's death along with spreading rumors about me that obviously weren't true and since I didn't feel like I could talk to anyone, I ate my feelings and began to cut myself.

I didn't tell anyone for many years and was good at hiding it until recently. A few months ago I was caught in my bathroom after my mom had walked in on me by accident.

Of course we had a talk and all but it wasn't much of a talk as much as it was more of a 'don't do that again, it's so stupid.' She even accused me of doing it for more attention.

So I just lied and told her I wouldn't do it again but of course I did. So then a few weeks ago at school, some bitch who happened to be one of my bullies had somehow caught me in the bathroom cutting. She of course went out into the hallway and began blabbing out loud about what I did to myself and suddenly became the center of attention in which I did not want.

Of course the Principal came out to see what all the commotion was about and after he did, he had me go into his office, pretending he cared and then called and told my mom who then gave me a choice between going to a mental facility or staying with my Aunt Tilly and Uncle Martin because she found herself a new man and didn't want my depression to scare him away or bother her with it anymore. But it was okay because I haven't seen my Aunt and Uncle in a few years.

They are cool people and do travel a lot, mostly for the company they own together and make a lot of money. My Uncle Martin is my dad's brother and neither him or my Aunt can stand my mother either, so they agreed to take me in.

They used to send me money, I found out a couple of years ago, but my mother never mentioned they did and always spent the money on herself.

I had arrived at my Aunt and Uncle's place after only a few hours long trip, a few days ago and today was going to be my first day of school.

Before I had arrived they had set up my bedroom with the walls and most of the furniture being different shades of purple which I thought was sweet that they made that effort in doing all of that but also it was nice to know they remembered my favorite color.

Being curvy doesn't help you blend in with the crowd or help you in trying to be invisible to others but what are you going to do right?

My Aunt and Uncle had offered to take me to school but I told them I needed the exercise and that I could always take the bus.

When I got to the school, it looked like any other high school to be honest. Some people might take this 'new school' opportunity and start all over again with a new them but I don't want any attention.

So I take in a deep breath and next let it out as I begin taking my first step towards the double front doors to the school where right away I make my way through the crowds of the whispers and snickers along with giggling and stares everybody is giving me right now.

I can feel myself starting to go into a panicking mode and try and calm myself down but there's only one way I can do that. So I go into the bathroom and begin doing what I do best.....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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