CHAPTER 5: Why Do I Even Bother?!?

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I can't explain what happened last night in that one moment of whatever it was. One minute I was pulling out the driveway to get some dinner and saw nobody, then the next thing I know, somebody hits me and it's the guy I had bumped into earlier (out of all the people it could be). Then to have made matters worse, that bitch from school was there. Although it was really funny at what he told her. 

Today at school, at around lunchtime, I had found a place that's on the side of the school where it seem's nobody knows about because they aren't here. So I sit down to lean back against the wall then pull out my tablet and start watching a few shows on Hulu. 

While watching, I start nibbling at a granola bar I had brought. Suddenly I was startled as I heard somebody say 'hi'. 

When I looked up and saw it was Ryker and a few of his guy friends, they all looked at me and smiled a little. 

'Oh god.' I thought to myself as I began to feel scared at what they were going to do. That was until one of his friends slapped Ryker's back. 

"Damn! Is this the one?" He asks him as they all continue looking at me while I slowly grab my bag. 

"Yeah. This is the one." Ryker replies. 

"Please...." I begin to say. 

"Bro, you're scaring her." Another one says while walking up and sitting next to me. 

"Sorry, they have no manners sometimes." The guy says. "My name's Hamlet and yes my mother loved that story." He tells me. 

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Ryker says as he walks over to sit next to me. "Can we eat with you?" He asks. 

"Why?" I asked not believing they'd want to sit with me to be nice. 

"Because you're new and we're interested in showing you around and welcoming you to this beautiful small town." Hamlet jokes. 

I start to laugh a little bit. Everyone introduced themselves and we sat there and had lunch together as they asked me questions such as what movies I liked, favorite foods, etc. 

Even though I'm enjoying their company and everything, I'm still not sure if this is a legit friendly thing or if that bitch Sonya is gonna come popping around the corner and do what happens in the movies where something is poured over my head or something. However, that never happened. 

When the bell rang to indicate lunch was over, they all started walking me through the hallway towards my class. Although some had classes all the way at the end of the hall while Ryker had a class next to mine. 

Throughout the rest of the day, I had thought about nothing but what happened at lunch and rather it was a one time thing or not, I was going to remember it for a long time. 

At the end of the school day, I began to head towards the library to grab a book for my English class and while looking down one of the aisles, I reached for a book and once I pulled out, I saw Sonya glaring at me on the other side. 

I start to panic and try to run to the left, but her friend is blocking my way. Then as I turn to try run the other way, her other friend is blocking my way. Next I feel somebody turn me around and forcefully pushes me back up against the book case. 

"Listen new girl, you be sure to stay the hell away from MY Ryker." She says with disgust. 

"I-I'm not interested in him." I try to explain. 

"Bullshit! I can see that you're just playing your little 'victim' card for attention. So do yourself a favor and stop it before you really get yourself hurt." She scowls as she squeezes her grip on my arms tighter. 

Then she grabs my wrists and notices me wince then pushes up my sleeve. 

"No. Please." I beg. 

"Eww. You fucking cut yourself? That's pathetic and weak. No wonder you're disgusting and nobody wants you." She states. 

As all three of them are distracted by my wrist, I harshly push her away and while trying to push past her friend, the bitch trips me and has me land face down while biting my tongue. 

People start laughing and then things get a lot worse and more embarrassing after Sonya makes a remark. 

"Don't worry everyone, that's wasn't an earthquake. Just the fat new girl had fallen." She yells. 

I next quickly get up and start running out as fast as I can. I don't know why I even bother. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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