CHAPTER 26: At Least Meadow Is Safe

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I have been beside Meadow every single day and have even missed school for it.

Then after a few days, her Aunt Tilly insisted on me leaving to get proper rest and cleaned up. But it also was good because she wanted some alone time with her in which I would understand.

Before I left however, I couldn't hold it in anymore in what all I did and what happened. I'm not exactly sure as to why she hurt herself but I thought it was definitely for what all I told her before when we got in that argument. Then to make matters worse, I had a feeling she may have possibly seen me and Sonya kissing because Hamlet had told me he heard about the kiss.

After I was finished telling her Aunt, she looked a little pissed off and for a brief moment, I thought that maybe she would take that opportunity and slap me or punch me even. However, it was the complete opposite.

Instead, she told me to explain everything to her in detail. So I did and felt even worse than before. I heard you're supposed to feel better after confessing something but this isn't one of those times I guess.

She told me that everything would be okay in the end and not to worry about it. But I can't help but worry about it.

I fucked up with Meadow. My favorite person in the whole wide world. The only one I could trust. The only one that cared enough to get to know the REAL me. She made me laugh and feel the best I have felt in a very long ass time. She has done so much to me and for me, more than I think she will ever know and I just want her back.

I don't care if it takes the rest of my life to get her back, I will do whatever it takes.

For right now though, I was headed towards my house and as soon as I walked inside, I was greeted with Sonya and Roger.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" I asked.

"You really should be more careful who you give a house key to." Sonya comments with a sinister smile as she has the key in her hand that I forgot I had given her back in the beginning of us getting to know each other.

"You both should leave before I call the police and don't don't think I won't." I warn them.

"And tell them what exactly? That you gave a copy of your house key to your girlfriend?" Roger smirks.

"We never were together. So I suggest you stay the fuck away from both Meadow and I." I threaten.

"That's cute. You honestly think you can take ME down? I don't think your father will appreciate that very much." Roger states. "Speaking of which, your father owes me and rather you or him need to give me my money by today or else I will have no other choice but to choose another way to have what's owed to me, paid." He says.

"Like what? Torture me? Kill me? Trust me when I tell YOU that I'm not afraid of you." I tell him with satisfaction and certainty.

"It's such a shame." He tsks.

"What is?" I asked.

"A shame that you aren't man enough to save your girl." He grins.

"You stay the hell away from her!" I shout as I start charging towards him and right as I got close enough, I threw the first blow to his jaw and the moment he turned his head to look at me, he was grinning as he moved his jaw.

"You really shouldn't have done that." He tells me and the next thing I hear, are the sounds of keys hitting each other behind me then heard the front door open and turned to look at Sonya leaving towards my car.

I immediately tried to run after her to stop her, but Roger grabs me from behind and tries choking me with his arm making me struggle while trying to break free until suddenly I felt myself being released from his grasp out of nowhere and while choking out air, I next notice as I look up, my dad has Sonya by the back of the hair and a gun pointed under her chin.

"Don't!" Roger immediately goes from being a tough guy to a little cowardly bitch.

"I warned you about going near my kid." My dad says to him and cocks his gun.

I started to think that my father was about to shoot Sonya and wasn't even recognizing who he was at all right now. I wasn't exactly sure in what was about to happen then suddenly the front door opens and in comes a bunch of FBI men inside with guns drawn at both my dad and Roger.

I stand up holding my hands also as they grabbed and cuffed, Roger and Sonya but not my dad?

My dad starts walking up to me as I look at him confused.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. What the hell is going on?" I ask.

Before he could start telling me, one of the guys behind him calls out his name and then he goes to talk to them before coming back to me.

"I know you're probably confused right now but I wasn't going to tell you what was going on because I was told I couldn't." He starts explaining.

"Are you work for the FBI?" I ask.

"No. But as of a few days ago, a friend of mine who does work for the FBI, I had him look up Rogers and he apparently has been trying to take him down for a while. So we decided to help each other out and honestly when I came here, I didn't think things would happen the way that they did. And besides, we knew their plan and Sonya we knew what she would do to Meadow according to her now 'ex-friends'. Apparently she had been talking about this plan since you and Meadow got together." He says.

"Oh god." I say under my breath.

Is this all seriously happening to me? I still feel a little confused but I guess in a way, it's a good thing that it's finally over.....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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