CHAPTER 23: I Guess It's Just Me And Demona

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"I can't believe this is happening to us." I say under my breath after he finishes explaining everything to me.

"I know. But Meadow, how does he have your number if your mother doesn't even have it?" He asks me.

I understand where he's coming from and how this all may look or and sound but then again, it hurts me and makes me feel that if he TRULY and really did trust me like he says, then he wouldn't ask me this.

"You don't believe me." I start to cry.

"I do. I want to but, you can't blame me for asking you. It just doesn't make any sense how he has your number when your mom couldn't have possibly given it to him since she doesn't have it neither. I mean, not unless your aunt and uncle gave her the number." He suggests.

"My aunt and uncle would NEVER go behind my back and do that to me!" I snapped at him defensively as I stood up.

"Calm down, I just was asking." He starts replying all defensive now also.

"No, it's more like you don't 'truly' believe me and are accusing the people who I trust the most in my life, that they have betrayed me!" I continue to fire back at him.

"How do you know that though?! They could be not the way you think of them as. They could be giving your number to your mom and everything. Maybe not to intentionally hurt you but maybe....." He says but I stop him.

"Get the fuck out of my house!" I tell him.

"What? Are you serious? I'm just trying to understand here and you're getting upset. Why can't you see the there is a possibility in the fact that your aunt and uncle both could be doing something..." He starts again until I stop him once again.

"I said get the hell out! Just because you have a fucked up family doesn't mean all of mine is!" I snapped at him feeling regretful as soon as the words left my mouth.

He looks at me feeling hurt but then quickly it turns to rage. So he stomps upstairs and into the bedroom and quickly packs his stuff and his backpack before running back down  the stairs and towards the door.

As soon as he opens it up a little, he stops and looks back at me with a lot of hatred in his eyes.

"I may not have a great family or father even. But I thought I did have someone that loved me. Then again I guess I should thank you. Thank you for reminding me why people are a waste of time. Getting to know anyone or getting close to them is a waste." He says before slamming the door behind him.

I hear his car peel out of the driveway and already I miss him and want him back. I don't know why I said the things I did to him. So I end up falling asleep on the couch after crying every last tear I had.

Several Days Later

The days seemed to go by slowly and it's been now almost two weeks since Ryker and I had last spoken.

I had tried for the last couple of days to text him and see if we can talk but I got nothing in return.

Then today at school, I had thought I would pull him aside and force him to talk to me. So when lunch time came around, I started to look for him and didn't see him on the quad with the rest of his friends and when I finally headed towards my locker to try and grab a book for my next period class when lunch was over, that's when I saw him and Sonya making out at her locker.

Wow, he moved on fast. I guess this is my fault though. I should have understood that I crossed the line and that since he hadn't messaged me back for the past couple of days, that maybe it was over. I guess maybe I didn't want to see it or believe it.

In that very moment, everything went silent. Everything became a blur and I shut down entirely mentally and emotionally. 'DEMONA' my inner demon had returned as I named her years ago and has been gone since I've been with Ryker. So I guess in a way, at least I HAVE someone.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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