CHAPTER 4: Unexpected

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School was like usual, slow and boring. Throughout the day though I noticed it became hard to concentrate as for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about the new girl that bumped into me earlier.

I can't put put my finger on exactly why she has caught my attention in such a way right now but there is something about her that has me intrigued.

Sonya, the most popular girl in school that I have hooked up with only a few times, was unfortunately assigned to be my partner in our history class for a project that would be worth half our grade.

She came over to my house because I hated going to hers and how she tried acting in front of her parents and everyone that we were together and then would claim the only place to not be interrupted would be her bedroom.

It's pink and has a too-princess-rich-bitch look that makes my head hurt and makes me feel sick. So I suggested we go to my place where we can study and do our work in the living room.

We lost track of time and then my friends messaged me asking if I would want to meet up with him and the guys as they were at the mall wanting to see a movie with a few girls from school that I knew right away were also Sonya's friends because they had mentioned earlier in asking them to hang out.

I love my friends and even though my taste in girls aren't all that much better than theirs, I still wasn't sure I wanted to hang out with them. But then Sonya's phone went off and noticed a text from her friends telling her I guess the same thing and said we should go.

I was beginning to get bored anyways and at least my buddies would be there. So I thought 'what the hell?!'

"Alright, let's go." I agree and grab the keys off the table then we get into the car and begin driving.

While on my way, as soon as I had come around and the corner onto a street that is a shortcut to the mall, I saw a car that seemed to have been pulling out of a drive way and as soon as I tried hitting the breaks, my foot accidentally slipped and hit the gas pedal instead causing me to hit the side of the back end of that car.

'Damn it!' I yell in my head to myself before getting out to take a look at the damage but most importantly, to see if the driver was alright.

"Hey, I'm so sorry. My foot slipped and hit the gas pedal instead of the break...." I began to explain but stopped when I noticed someone getting out of the driver side who I had not expected.

"Are you okay?" The soft gentle female voice asks me.

"Yeah, but..." I stopped myself when I was a little taken back after noticing it was the new girl. "Hey..." I started.

She looked at me surprised and then before she was about to say something, Sonya came walking out stomping up beside me while yelling.

"You need to LOOK before you hall ass out of your driveway!" She yells at the girl.

"It was my fault Sonya!" I snap at her then look back at the girl.

"Oh my god. It's you." Sonya remarks sounding disgusted.

The girl then looks away while bringing her hoodie closer towards her fave and looking down.

"Shut the hell up Sonya!" I snapped at her again.

"It wasn't your fault though baby. And besides, we're going to be late for the movies." She whines.

"Then go ahead and walk or call up somebody to give your ass a ride. Considering your skirt is short enough, you could get lucky in having someone offer you a ride." I tell hee while walking up to the girl who right now looks timid and shy.

"You asshole! I don't know why I ever wasted my time with you!" She spits at me bit I don't pay attention.

"Anyways..." I shook my head at how stupid and rude Sonya can be. "Want to exchange insurance information?" I asked the girl.

I heard Sonya grunt in frustration before stomping away on her stripper heels down the street.

It was really cold outside and after we reached in our cars to gather our insurance information, I had pulled my car over as she pulled back into the driveway and then we got out and walked up to one another with us both shivering from the cold.

"It's really cold out here, would you like to come in?" She asks but I can tell she wasn't too sure about the offer. However, we are freezing to death as our teeth start chattering and we can't write straight.

"Thank you." I replied with a smile.

She just turned and we headed towards her house then went inside and instantly, it seemed the heater was still on and we were envelopes in warmth right away.

We walked over towards the table and then sat down near each other to finish writing.

When done, we began handing our papers over to each other.

"My aunt and uncle own that car and I'm not on their insurance. They don't even know that I drove their car." She says.

I think for a moment and decide that I know I can afford this and I too don't want to hear it from my dad so, I come up with something that will help us both out.

"Well since it was completely my fault, how about we don't involve the insurance companies and we just get our cars fixed to looking brand new?" I offered.

She looked at me surprised and for the first time really, I was able to get a real good look at her beautiful eyes and pretty face as her hood seemed to have fallen back a little. She quickly looked away and then nodded her head.

"Okay." She says.

"And I'm paying for it by the way." I smile at her.

She looks at me again and my heart start racing again.

"Are you sure? I can try to pay you back." She mentions.

"I'm sure and this isn't something I want you to pay me back for." I tell her.

She looks at me bewildered and with uncertainty now.

"What's the catch?!" She asks.

"No catch." I smile and wink at her before getting up and holding on to her information like her phone number.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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