CHAPTER 8: No, I'm Not Afraid To Drown

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The night seemed to have been going great and even better than as I planned.

I felt like in a way that I had gotten closer to her and she opened up to me a little bit also. Not to mention I learned that we had a couple of things in common it had seemed.

After we sat there for a while, I noticed it was beginning to get a little cooler and saw how late it was so I decided to offer for us to head on back.

When I got up off the ground and turned to hold out my hand for her to use so I could help her up, as soon as she stood in front of me still holding my hand, we both looked into each other's eyes for a moment and slowly I noticed we were leaning in towards each other until our lips met and I gently started to kiss her while holding onto the side of her face.

Next I felt her hand touch the back of my neck as she started kissing me back until we pulled our heads apart from each other for a brief moment then started to make our way back towards the truck.

It was amazing and surreal that we had a few moments tonight of nothing but silence and instead using that opportunity to both our advantages in the best way I felt possible. Meaning it wasn't awkward silence we shared or any of that. She's the first girl I have ever really talked to and told her stuff. Something about her makes me feel comfortable and trustworthy.

Once we left and headed back to her place, I got out of the truck and opened the door for her after insisting on doing so and we walked hand-in-hand to her door.

"I had a really good time tonight." She turns and tells me.

"So did I." I smiled at her.

"You know I have to admit that I thought when you took me to your secret place, I was worried that you would try something. Then after you mentioned about not judging for the past and being honest. I changed those thoughts." She tells me nervously.

"That's a good thing right?" I smile at her.

"Yeah." She replies.

"Then why are you so nervous right now with me?" I ask her feeling a little worried that maybe I crossed the line and ruined my chances or something.

"Because I'm scared. I'm scared of you. I'm terrified even of this. It's all new to me." She begins to try and explain.

"What do you mean?" I ask her confused.

"I mean that I am not used to having many friends or any for that matter. And I didn't expect it but, I feel in a way like I can't trust it yet." She admits.

"Trust what?" I ask.

"Trust this." She tells me while tearing up.

"Oh, I see. Well, we can take things slow." I tell her. "I don't want to rush you into anything you don't want. But will you please give me a chance to prove to you I'm not like other guys." I ask as I gently start caressing the side of her cheek with my thumb while we look into each other's eyes still.

I notice her begin to close her eyes and let some tears begin to fall down her face before she opens them back up again.

"I'm fucked up. Trust me, you don't want to be with me. I'd be a waste of your time and I can't risk..." She begins saying before noticing even more tears begin to fall again down her face as she hurries to catch them and wipe them away.

"Risk what? Being happy?" I asked to see if I was understanding what she meant because so far, I'm lost.

"I have been hurt so many times before that I've become numb to pain. It's practically my best friend and I don't think I can survive much more." She says.

"Listen, I know you're scared and to be honest I am too. But give me a chance. I want just once chance to show you that you are worth love and so much more than what you think. Please Meadow." I say with my forehead touching hers and we both have our eyes closed while we continue standing there holding each other for a moment longer before she decides that she'll give me a chance and then we lean in to kiss each other goodnight before I turn around to leave back towards my truck and head back to my place.

Just as that song played earlier that we danced to, 'Ocean' by: Lady Antebellum will forever be known to me as our song and remember that it's true, I'm not afraid to drown as I know this might be a little hard for her to ever let me in. In fact, she reminds me of my cousin who I used to think of as my sister we were that close.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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