CHAPTER 18: What's His Deal?!?

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That was intense and was all so random. Also, who was this new Meadow? Going from being a shy and quiet bullied girl to a strong and confident person, I am just in shock.

I also feel saddened however at the same time because to hear all that I did and the hostility both her and her mother have towards each other. It makes me think of mine and my dad's relationship.

After her mom and her mom's boyfriend left, I turned her around and pulled her closer to my chest as she started crying and holding me tight.

"I hate her." She sobs into my chest.

"Shh. It's okay baby. She's gone." I try and comfort her. "Come on, let's go sit down." I suggest before we begin walking back to the couch and sit down with my arm still over her shoulders as she begins to explain more about her life and both her parents.

"I know it's shitty. But I promise things will get better." I try and reassure her.

She sniffles a little bit then grabs a tissue from the box on the coffee table and blows her nose real fast after she stops crying and we just sit there, with her in my arms and we don't say anything.

My girl can't catch a break and as far as her mom slapping her moments ago. I swear, if she wasn't a woman, I would have knocked her teeth in.

So for the rest of the night, we continue hanging out and I stay the night.

Then the next day, as we arrive at school, we meet up with the guys before heading to our first period class and Hamlet is talking about his big party for next weekend for his birthday.

"Hey guys!" He nods at her and I.

The bell rang and we all began heading to our classrooms. Then at around lunchtime, we all met up and I got a call from my dad.

I didn't want to pick it up but apparently he had been trying to get a hold of me since last night and because I didn't want to answer for obvious reasons, I thought I would talk to him after school but seems like whatever it is, he must think it's important.

"Yeah?" I answered as I excused myself from everyone and started walking a little bit away from everyone.

"So, I heard Sonya got expelled thanks to you." He mentions.

"Yeah, so? She was disrespecting my girlfriend. Not that I expect you to understand." I say the last part under my breath.

"I would watch your tone with me since you are walking on thin ice with me already young man." He snaps at me.

"What do you want?!" I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"It's about our deal and how there have been some new terms that I have added to it." He says.

"I told you before dad, I'm not interested." I remind him.

"You will be when I tell you something I bet would change your mind." He begins.

"Oh I wonder what bullshit you've thought up of this time." I taunt him.

"They're facts son. So they are indisputable." He exclaims.

"Fine. Whatever. What is it then?" I asked.

"It seems that your girlfriend's stepfather, Roger Hunters, happened to tell me all about her, not to mention the fact he also happens to be trying to run me out of business still from a few years ago when this all began between him and I."

"What?" I asked. "I hate to disappoint you dad but, she just met him the other day for the first time. So the next time you try and ruin my life with your so called 'facts' make sure they are really based on truth." I snap at him.

"Believe whatever you want. But I do have proof. I suggest you look up his profile on Social Media and read what he has on there. Then when you are done, call me back and we can talk about your plans in helping me take him down and to eventually take over the company someday." He finishes.

"I'm not going to do that. Because I trust Meadow and she would never lie to me. So why don't you just cut me off or do whatever you want and have to do because believe it or not, I am used to having to take care of myself." I finish then hang up.

Little does he know that I have been putting millions of dollars aside in a duffel bag in my closet. And now with him insisting on trying to break both me and Meadow up just because he fucked up with mom, doesn't mean that I should be the same failure in my relationship that he's been in all of his with her and the others ever since.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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