EPILOGUE: Months Later.....

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Well, Senior Prom had come and gone and for the past few months, although I was grateful for Ryker's apology and what his father did with Roger and Sonya, still, things that happened with Ryker and I just, I needed time and space.

He has made every effort since then to try and make sure I knew he wasn't going anywhere and had not cared how long it would take for me to talk to him again, he would wait.

Honestly I have been wanting to be with him and have been getting a lot better while talking to Doreen and opening up more emotionally and although I know I am not a hundred percent better and have a ways to go, I still miss the part of me that lit up being around him. It wasn't ALL his fault anyways and every time I see him, he doesn't seem like he's getting any sleep or anything. He has even started wearing his hoodie again over his head as am I.

Which I haven't done that since before him and I got together.

Today was graduation and I never thought that this would happen but it has and I couldn't feel any happier.

Of course my Aunt and Uncle were here for me and after escaping from their hours of picture taking and congratulating me, they sat a few rows up nearest to the side I was sitting in the chairs on as it took place at the football field.

I was a little nervous because I have to stand up in front of a lot of people but knowing that my aunt and uncle were watching, along with Doreen and a couple of friends I made in the group meetings were next to them and all looking at me cheering.

Before everything started though, the Principal stood up behind a podium and started to speak into the microphone talking to us all.

"Thank you everybody for coming....." He started his speech and everyone seemed to be tuning him out as his and then the Valedictorian's got up there and said their cliche speeches. Then the Principal came back on the microphone and stated that there was somebody that wanted to perform something for a special somebody.

Everyone started looking around and then the curtains on the stage that we all thought was just the background, opened up and I saw Ryker come walking out with his guitar and sat down on a bar stool close to the front edge of the stage facing us but looking at me and smiling.

He looked better today. His hair was nice and slicked back and looked all over the good looking guy he was.

Next, the Principal sets a stand and mic in front of him as he runs his thumb over the strings to the guitar.

"This song is to the strongest most amazing and beautiful person inside and out that I have ever known. Now, I'm not the best singer in the world so I'm sorry ahead of time." He says and starts to play his guitar.

The next thing that comes out of his mouth are the lyrics to the song by Linkin Park, 'One More Light.'

Throughout his entire performance, I can't help but get hypnotized by his voice that it isn't the best but it isn't the worst neither.

He does a great job and everyone starts cheering and clapping.

"Thanks. That song was to let someone special to me know that I care and love them with my entire heart. She makes me feel whole and inspires me more than she knows." He states. "I know I have messed up but, Meadow? Will you please give me another chance and be my girl?" He asks with plead in his eyes.

Suddenly I feel everyone's eyes are on me and hear everyone gasp and 'aww'.

I can't help but be teary eyed. Is this really happening?

I start shaking my head to snap back to this moment and I look up and notice he's walking up beside me and kneels down.

"Will you?" He asks.

I wipe away my tears that have fallen and he starts smiling at me as do I.

"Yes." I nod my head.

Then just like it happens in the movies in moments like this one, he gets up and we throw our arms around each other and kiss as everyone begins to applaud.

We spent the rest of the graduation sitting together. Then finally after it was over, we all stood up and cheered.

Hamlet and all the guys came over and we gave one another hugs. Next we walked over and met up with Doreen, my Aunt and Uncle who hugged and congratulated us both.

After pictures and grabbing our ACTUAL diplomas, we walked towards his truck and got in then went to his secret spot.

We sat there with the windows down and shared a moment of silence.

"I know this isn't gonna happen overnight with us but I appreciate you willing to give me another chance. I regret ever upsetting you and making you feel like you had to hurt yourself. I'm so sorry." He tells me.

I take his hand in mine and look at him.

"It wasn't all your fault. I never gave you the chance to explain what happened that day with Sonya and I shouldn't have allowed myself to put the responsibility of having you be responsible for the happiness I felt. I'm the one that's fucked up and you were never to blame." I tell him.

I notice him start to bring up the back of my hand to his lips and looks into my eyes.

"I love you so much." He tells me.

"I love you too and I want us to start over again all new." I tell him.

"That's all I want to do." He smiles.

We may not be a fairy tale kind of a couple and I may be a mess that needs to work in myself a lot more but it helps a lot to know that I have somebody like him in my life and together I feel we can help one another in supporting each other.

Who knows what the future holds. But it doesn't matter I guess when you focus on every moment and the ones that are there to help you.

The End

Hey guys, so I am sorry to say that this story has ended but there of course are more stories to come and hope you loved this story. I might revise some parts for the book version but either way, hope you liked this story and hope you enjoy the others!! :):)

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