CHAPTER 22: The Whole Truth

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After waking up the next day and heading off to school, we met up with my friends who are actually now also her friends too, to talk and hang out before we had to head towards our first class.

The next thing I saw was Sonya and her now new minions walking with her as she strutted towards our direction and as soon as she made eye contact with me, I glared at her and she just smiled then winked at me.

My god, that bitch makes my stomach turn I swear.

The first warning bell rings and I start walking Meadow to her first class before I head to mine.

Throughout the day, school was alright. I mean, it's the same as any other day really because it's school. Of course it's always better with my Meadow though.

After school was over we headed back to her place and we both had a project that was due in one of our classes we needed to make sure to start working on since it would play a huge factor in the chance of us graduating or not.

It was really hard working on my project though. Every time I am close to her I just want to touch her. Not necessarily always in a sexual way but also, romantically.

I am so lucky to have somebody like her with me and I'm hoping that by the time we graduate, she'll come along with me and leave this shitty town for good.

A few hours go by and we decide it was enough working on those, at least for tonight.

So we made some dinner together and sat on the couch watching a movie and just hung out.

During the middle of the movie, her phone went off. When she pulled it out and looked down to see who it was, she looked bewildered.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's Roger." She says while showing me.

"How did he get your number?" I ask.

"I don't know. My mom doesn't even have it." She tells me.

I start thinking about what my father said about her and Roger knowing each other but once again, she wouldn't lie to me. Her phone stops ringing and I notice her put it on vibrate but right as soon as she places it onto the coffee table in front of us, it goes off again. This time, I answer it.

Before I could say anything, he right away started talking, assuming I was Meadow.

"It's about time you picked up your phone, Pumpkin." He says.

That made me want to throw the phone and break it. He's got some nerve.

"This is her boyfriend, Ryker." I started talking as I stood up and walked a few steps away. "You need to stop calling her. And if you call her again I swear I'll make you sorry." I tell him.

"Ooo, I'm really scared kid." He mocks with a chuckle.

"You should be. You have no idea what all I'm capable of doing." I assure him.

"Oh I'm sure. Speaking of which, you sure had some guts in having my daughter being thrown in jail. Thanks to me she's out but I never forget. So here's what I suggest you do as of now. Your father owes me a great deal of money. Money that I loaned him years ago and that he has yet to payback. However, I'll make you a deal. You find a way to get your father to sign over all his rights to me to his company and I'll never contact you or Meadow again and neither will my daughter." He offers.

"Go fuck yourself." I tell him and hang up.

I take in a deep breath and think about what I just did and am now more worried than ever that I may have accidentally made things worse for both Meadow and I.

When I turn and look over at Meadow still sitting on the couch and looking at me, that's when it hits me that I may have fucked up a lot of things.

"What did he want?" She asks concerned.

Before I say anything, I walk over and sit down next to her again then have her look at me while I hold her hand.

"Do you trust me?" I ask her.

"Of course." She tells me. "What's going on?"

That's when I start explaining more to her, including how I was told that maybe she really knew Roger and didn't tell me. But also that I didn't believe my father when he told me that.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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