CHAPTER 13: Great! Now Everyone Knows!

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It was a really nice date and I had appreciated the fact that he had stood up for me. Wasn't used to that.

We ended up spending the rest of the weekend together with him dropping by the next day and hanging out. Then on Tuesday, we got the car back and I thought that since that little accident happened, I wasn't going to jinx myself in letting it happen again so I kept it in the garage. Besides, he said he liked driving me.

Today while at school, when lunchtime came around, him and his friends told me to meet them where they used to normally sit which was in front of everybody on the quad area.

I was a little hesitant of course but then realized it's all okay because I will be with them and especially him as he has officially called us a couple to apparently a lot of people in school. Now everyone knows.

After the bell rang and everyone started making their way to the lunch lines, I started heading towards the grassy quad area and saw the guys all sitting around talking while looking on their phones at something that seemed to be upsetting them. Then they looked up and saw me.

When I approached them I noticed they quickly put their phones away.

"What?" I asked them.

"Nothing." Hamlet says. "There was just a disturbing video that recently went viral on social media that is a little disturbing." He says.

"What's the video?" I asked.

"Uh, it's really disturbing, you'll probably lose your appetite." He says.

I thought it was a little weird but it only got weirder from there after I sat down and was looking all over but couldn't see Ryker.

"Where's Ryker?" I asked.

"Oh he had to talk to his teacher about some project. He'll be here any minute." Hamlet replies.

"Oh good, you're already here..." One of Ryker's other friends say as he hands me something to eat. "I hope you don't mind. I wasn't sure if you brought a lunch or not. So..." He states as he sits down in front of me on the grass.

"Thanks. But let me give you some money." I try and tell him while reaching inside my bag and pulling out some but he stops me.

"My treat." He winks and smiles at me.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Yeah." He smiles.

I thank him again before I open the bag of chips and begin snacking on them. Then I notice Ryker walking towards us and I smile at him and he looks upset. Did I do something?

"Hi." I smile and greet him.

He grabs my wrist and then pushes up my sleeve and see's the scars.

"What the hell is this?!" He asks me a little mad. "Is this why you wear your sweatshirt in eighty degree weather?"

I quickly yank my wrist out from his grasp and feel mortified.

"It's nothing. I haven't done it in a while." I try and explain.

Wait, why am I explaining this to him even?!?

"These look pretty recent." He states.

"How did you even know about it?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter. Why would you ever do something like that? Be so fucking selfish?!" He snaps at me.

"Fuck you. You wouldn't understand! Besides, I never ASKED you to give a shit! " I start to say while fighting back tears.

"Try me! And of course I care! You're my girl and if something bothers you to the point of hurting yourself, then yes, I have a right to know! " He stops me and turns me back around to face him while I struggle to break free from his grasp.

"It's none of your business! Besides, I haven't done it in a while and it isn't like you'd understand anyways!" I snap at him.

"Oh no?!" He snaps back at me.

"No! So let go of me and why don't we just go back to being strangers! Would that be better so that way you don't have to get all upset and worried about me?!" I yell at him then start quickly walking off.

I hear people whispering but don't care. I feel like this is a nightmare. I knew it was too good to be true. Fuck happiness.

Also, I'm the one being selfish?! How is that possible when I am the one going through all of this, NOT him?! It has nothing to do with him even or anyone.

I start to walk out in front of the school until I hear Ryker from several feet behind me call out.

"Meadow!" I hear him call out.

"Stay away from me!" I yell out while trying to pick up my pace.

Then I feel him grab my shoulders and turn me around to look at him and I immediately start trying to push him away but he still doesn't let go.

"Stop it!" He says.

"No! You fucking want to call me selfish when you don't know shit! Why the hell would I want anything to do with you?" I yelled.

He pulled me into his chest and as much as I still tried to push away from him I stopped as soon as I realized I wasn't going to win.

"Shhh...." He starts telling me calmly as he strokes my hair and holds me tightly. "I'm sorry I got upset baby. I didn't mean to say what I did. You aren't selfish. Let's talk." He tells me.

"I don't want to talk to you." I tell him through sobs.

"Please Meadow. Give me a chance to explain and to understand. I don't want you to hurt yourself baby." He says.

I continue to cry in his chest and then he lifts my head to look at me and gently tucks some hair behind my ears before placing a gentle kiss on my lips and then he wipes away some tears.

"I never wanted you to find out." I begin to tell him.

"I'm sorry about my immediate reaction I kills me to know that you feel the need to hurt yourself." He says.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Well......That was intense. lol.

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