CHAPTER 11: At Least I Got A Kiss

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I was having more fun than I ever thought I would and was nervous at first knowing there was a chance I would run into certain people that quickly became my bullies since day one. But that never happened and Ryker kept me distracted anyways.

After we finished with bowling, we next went over to the other end of the building where the arcade was at along with indoor bumper cars and of course laser tag, in which I haven't played ever in my life.

I knew the concept of course and that the object of the game was to go inside a black lighted up place that had objects and obstacles along with places to hide away in as you wore bulky vests on your chests as people shot you with laser guns and the one that had the most hits of course lost.

I had worried a little at first that I wouldn't be fast enough and if we were on a team, then I would make us lose cause these curves of mine stick out. But then Ryker reassured me I would be fine and I also figured since I had beaten him at bowling moments ago, I could try and at least be good at this too.

There were two teams of five. On our team, besides me and Ryker of course, there was a twelve year old and his sixteen year old brother along with a random kid who was fifteen. Then a bunch of die hard laser tag high school fanatics on the opposite team, who looked as though they took the game seriously, looked at me and laughed. I didn't care though. I had a feeling Ryker would kick the guys ass.

So the employee had told us to take our corners inside as he turned on the light so we could see where we were going and then went over the rules briefly before next turning off the lights and the guy over the speakers counted down to one from five and a horn noise going off indicating for us to go.

That's when Ryker had me crouch down as we walked down the ramp and he started pointing the gun like he has done this before and started shooting.

I wanted to shoot people too so when I noticed the other teams colors, I tried shooting at them. There was one kid in the short tunnel of mirrors they had with his back turned and he turned around after getting hit right as I ducked down so he couldn't see me and I felt victorious.

Then I heard Ryker telling me to follow him as we continued walking down with him in front of me, guarding me as I guarded his back and we walked over to a certain structure then he had me duck behind it as did he and after looking out then seeing nobody, he turns and looks at me and I don't know what it was in that moment, but the way we stared into each other's eyes then and there, we somehow found it to be the perfect moment to lean in and give each other a kiss.

Although this kiss turned into a steamy one and became a great moment until I heard a noise coming from my vest and then heard it going off again. I began looking around us as did he to see who did that and right as we saw who did it, they hit me for the fourth and final time and now I was out. What assholes.

Oh well I guess though. Because at least I got myself a kiss.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Hey guys, sorry it's been a while since I have posted but been busy with preparation for the Holidays along with dealing with some family things. But I am back now so have no fear. Also, I will be posting another chapter to this story and 2 chapters for the other two stories I post for. Also, this Saturday, I will give you all a sneek peek to a couple of new stories. Until then, love you all, enjoy these and many more to come. :):)

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