CHAPTER 25: Few Days Later.....

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I slowly begin opening up my eyes and start to look around a little bit and notice an I.V. is in my arm and hooked up to a bag of clear liquid. I then look down and notice my wrist is bandaged but also strapped down to a bed.

I then become more awake and soon realize where I'm at. I'm at a hospital and strapped down for some reason.

How the hell did I get here? Why am I strapped down? What happened?!

The door then opens and I am panicking still even though I notice my aunt is walking towards me and comes to help calm me down and lean me back into bed but I wriggle around and try to get out.

Then a nurse comes in with a needle and injects something into my I.V. that immediately starts to calm me down.

"Honey, please." My aunt tells me as she sniffles from crying.

"What am I doing here?" I ask her upset.

"Because we found you..." She stops herself and starts to break down. "We found you blacked out on your bedroom floor. You weren't breathing or moving. We thought we lost you." She cries.

Then then flashbacks started hitting me all at once and now I felt bad and that I let her and Uncle down as I realize I tried to off myself.

"Why did you save me?" I ask her.

She looks at me confused.

"Why wouldn't I? You are like a daughter to me. I can't give you up so easily." She says.

"Yours and Uncle Martin's life would be much better without me in it. You guys wouldn't have to worry about me anymore. Everybody would be happier." I tell her as I try and look away as I feel tears start to fall from my eyes.

She then grabs a tissue from the side table and starts to wipe my tears away.

"We are not letting you give up. We will NEVER give up on you. You are not a burden and never were. After I had found you on the floor a few days ago, I went into your room to try and find things to bring when you woke up and one of the things I found was your tablet and what you were listening to when trying to attempt in taking your own life. And I just want to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that we never knew how dark and terrible things were for you." She cries a little more which makes me cry even more.

"I didn't want you to know how much of a fuck up I am." I cry to her.

"You aren't. You're just lost. I used to be too." She says.

"How?" I asked.

"I too was depressed when I was a teenager. I had been in an abusive relationship that took a toll on me emotionally, mentally and physically. My boyfriend at the time, he had raped me. I wanted to wait and told him I wasn't ready then he got upset and assaulted me. I then had gotten pregnant and he as soon as I told him, he punched me in the stomach and caused for me to have a miscarriage while also damaging me bad enough to where I would never be able to have kids." She tears up even more as she reaches over for another tissue.

"Oh my god." I reply in shock and feeling really bad for her.

"I became like you where I withdrew myself from the world. My friends stopped being around me and my parents couldn't stand me and thought it was my fault. Then one day I met Martin and he changed everything for me. I guess in one way you could say that he saved me. He made me see the light in the darkest of dark." She smiles a bit.

I then start to smile a little bit. Then I get more sad again because I begin thinking about Ryker and how I thought that was gonna be him and I as well. But then I saw him with Sonya.

"Your boyfriend has been here everyday right beside you until we finally told him to go home and get some rest and cleaned up." She laughs a little at the end.

"We aren't together anymore." I tell her.

"Does he know that? He's been acting otherwise." She smiles.

"I saw him with another girl. That's why I hurt myself. That was the last straw for me." I confess without making eye contact. There's silence between us until finally I feel her hand touch mine and then looks at me.

"Now, honey, I'm not taking sides here but, did you ask him if that was the case? I mean, did you see him push her away?" She asks.

"No. But I saw enough Aunt Tilly." I tell her.

"I'll kill him." We then hear my Uncle Martin say from behind Tilly as he stands in the corner by the door.

"How ling have you been standing there?!" Aunt Tilly asks him.

"Long enough to know that I might be going to prison for killing a kid." He says with much anger.

"Oh my god honey." Aunt Tilly rolls her eyes.

"It's okay Uncle Martin." I tell him.

He then raises his hands up in a 'surrender' way and that he sill be sure to back off.

"Alright Pumpkin. Just let me know if you ever change your mind." He says.

"I will. Thanks." I reply with a smile.

He then walks over and kisses my forehead and gives me a hug then leaves to go and get some snacks and drinks.

"So, the doctor by the way says that they want you here for another couple of days and then if he thinks you are ready, then he'll let you go home." Aunt Tilly informs me with a smile.

"Okay." I nod.

I don't want to be here much longer and am hoping I can go back to that support group I was in before all of this happened. Doreen is the only one I trust telling anything to that I can't tell my aunt or uncle or anyone else really about.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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