CHAPTER 14: This Could Be Love

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I figured the best place to talk without interruption was at my place and besides, I have been meaning to ask her over anyways since we are always at hers.

Once we had walked inside she was amazed as she looked around.

"Wow. This house is huge. Are you rich or something?" She asks.

"My father is." I tell her.

"That must be nice." She says.

"It has some perks to it. But isn't like what you see in the movies." I tell her.

She doesn't say anything and I can tell she is starting to feel a little uncomfortable so I suggest we take a seat on the couch.

"So.....about today." She starts.

"Please. I need to explain to you why I was upset." I stop her.

"You already did." She says.

"No. I mean, yes it hurts me to know you are willing to hurt yourself then talk about some things but I have something that I want to show you." I begin to tell her.

I've never shown anybody this before, not even Hamlet and the rest of the guys. So I began removing my thick banded watch and showed her the deep scar I have from cutting my wrist a long time ago that is hidden under my mom's name that I have tattooed. 

"Oh my god." She looks at it then back up at me. 

"My mother committed suicide when I was a little kid. Around seven to be exact. She didn't leave a note and we never saw the signs. I was so mad at her and thought she was selfish for doing what she did and leaving me here with my dad." I started to tell her. 

"I'm so sorry." She starts. 

"It's okay. It wasn't until I was fourteen that my dad and I had an argument bigger than the usual ones we have and at the time I didn't have good reliable and trustworthy friends, so I shut out everyone then attempted what my mom did. I wanted to be with her so badly." I confess while trying to fight back the tears. 

"Then when I saw those pictures, I lost it. In that moment, I was angry with Sonya but I started thinking about, my mom and how once again I wasn't good enough. See my father was always a dick to her and I was too little to protect her so, I just....I just didn't want to feel that pain again. I don't want to lose you." I confessed. 

We both didn't say anything and shared a moment of silence before I hear her saying something. 

"I honestly haven't cut myself since I've been around you. And I didn't want to tell you because I wasn't sure if you'd think I was a freak, disgusting, ugly, stupid...." She began to ramble on but I stopped her. 

I turned her head to face me and looked into her eyes. 

"Never baby. Again, I'm so sorry for what I said and how I had reacted but you aren't stupid and honestly, I don't think you're just beautiful but sexy as hell too." I try to convince her. 

"You're just saying that." She says. 

"No I'm not." I try to reassure her. 

"You haven't seen my other scars." She confesses while fighting back tears as she struggles to look into my eyes.

"I don't care. Scars are not ugly. They aren't what makes people ugly." I tell her. 

Finally she begins to smile before we slowly start to lean forward and gently touch our lips before kissing each other passionately then it turning into a lustful one. 

I lean her back onto the couch still continuing to kiss her then start kissing down to the side of her neck making her moan a little bit breathlessly as she grips the back of my hair. 

Next I start to kiss her lips again and while doing that, I place my hand on her side and gently squeeze her thick waist before slowly moving my hand up her shirt and inside her bra, cupping one of her breasts. 

"Do you want me to stop?" I ask looking into her eyes. 

"No." She replies. 

I gently start kissing down to her stomach and then slowly start lifting her shirt up while continuing to make eye contact and kiss her stomach up towards her bra then start removing her shirt up over her head before next unhooking her bra as I kiss her neck to her shoulders before tossing them both onto the floor. 

She next removes my top and tosses it as well before beginning to undo each other's pants then tossing those onto the floor as well. Along with my boxers and her panties. 

I notice her begin to cover herself up but I push her arms away gently shaking my head. 

"Don't cover." I tell her. 

"Okay." She replies softly and smiles. 

I look down and can see some scars near one of her breasts and a few more on her stomach and I feel bad but at the same time, I can't help but place gentle kisses on them including her inner wrist. 

I next grab a condom from the back of my pants pocket and look into her eyes for a moment. 

"Are you comfortable?" I ask. 

"Yeah." She nods her head in agreement. 

"I'll go slow." I assure her. 

She smiles again then watches me as I tear open the pack and roll the condom before then positioning myself in between her legs and have her look into my eyes as I slowly start to move in between her wet folds and begin to slowly inch more and more inside of her. 

She groans a little in pain but then moans and I begin going in and out of her slowly while never breaking eye contact with her. 

"You're so tight." I tell her. 

"Mmmm....." She moans. 

I move in and out slowly for a bit then after I notice her start to moan a little more than groan and be in pain, I start picking up the pace and move in and out of her with both of us moaning in pleasure until we both reach our climax together.

While trying to catch our breaths I give her a long and passionate kiss before removing the condom, tossing it in the small trash can next to the couch and then getting up to gather several blankets to lay on the floor so that we could lay together with her in my arms where we both fell asleep. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 
Sorry guys, I thought I could post for the other stories tonight but I am just way too tired after working today. However, I will post more chapters for this one tomorrow (Tuesday) along with the others and a sneak peek to that story I was going to give you all a sneak peek to on Sunday, which I apologize for that. I had to change a few things with is but it's all fixed now and you can expect two chapters to be posted for that tomorrow (Tuesday) as a thank you again for being understanding and patient with me. Love you all!! :) :) 

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