CHAPTER 12: Before It Was Ruined

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Damn asshole for ruining our kiss. Damn she's a great kisser too and her lips, mmmm, they are so soft.

So I made sure to go after the jerk off that got her to where she had to leave the game and as soon as she left, moments later, the game was over with our team winning and me having the most hits.

When I had come walking out of the room and hung up the vest and gun, I saw Meadow standing by the doorway and she smiled as I walked up towards her. The reward I got for shooting the most was a card of $25 worth in the arcade. So that's where we headed to next.

Once we finished with the games, we went to eat at the little restaurant they had inside there and were enjoying a good dinner along with us having a good conversation also.

Then when I look up for a brief moment I notice Sonya and her minions walking in with her and laughing.

I immediately start to prepare to shut her down the moment she talks shit to Meadow or and I but instead, she just looks at us and rolls her eyes and laughs as do her friends while they walk up to the counter.

I look at Meadow and she has already spotted them and seems to stop eating when I know she is hungry.

"Don't let them make you feel insecure." I start to tell her.

"That's easy for you to say. You've never had people poke fun at your weight." She states.

"Actually I have. But like I told you the other night, they aren't worth it. Besides, you're with me." I smile at her. "In fact...." I start to tell her as I then stand up to go and sit next to her while I rest my arm over her shoulders and start to feed her one of her fries as she feeds me one and smiles.

Right as I give her a kiss, that's when we hear Sonya make a nasty remark.

"Eww. How could you stomach kissing her?" She says as both her and her friends take a seat next to us.

"There's nothing to stomach. In fact, the only thing more nauseating is looking at you with your caked on make up as if it covers up your disgusting and grotesque looking features." I snap at her.

She glares at us for a moment and rolls her eyes in annoyance.

"Whatever. Don't act like you didn't like touching this." She says while gesturing with her hand at her body.

"Okay, that's it. Let's go Meadow. I've lost my appetite." I tell her.

"Me too." Meadow says.

We get up and I take her hand and begin walking out.

"Sorry. I'll get us something to eat when we leave." I tell her.

"No it's fine. But, did you and her ever date?" She asks.

"We just hooked up a couple of times and she's been obsessed with me ever since and honestly, we haven't done anything with each other for a long time. So you have nothing to worry about." I assure her.

"Okay." She says. "Well, I'm gonna use the restroom before we leave." She tells me as we stop right in front of the bathrooms and I wait for her here.

While I'm waiting, Sonya comes walking up towards me without her friends.

"Aww how sweet, you're waiting out here for your little girlfriend." She teases.

"Shut the fuck up Sonya." I snap at her.

Man, if only I hit women.

"Relax. But honestly, she is a basket case. I don't know what you see in her. At least with me you know what you're getting." She says while leaning in and I immediately push her away.

"Yeah I do know what I would be getting. An ugly disgusting hoe who hates herself so much she feels she needs to make everyone else just as miserable. Which is a shame really." I tell her and before anything else, Meadow comes walking out the bathroom and looks between me and Sonya.

I just roll my eyes, take Meadow's hand and we start heading outside towards the car.

Well, I guess I should be happy and grateful we had made it through MOST of the night having a decent date before it was ruined.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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