Chapter 1: A Trip on a Bright Light

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Marinette's POV:

It was a dark night in Paris... me and Chat Noir just finished up with an akuma.

"Well good, as usual, m'lady" Chat Noir says while bowing. I can't help but smile. He uses the same line every night but I still get a kick out of it. I always look forward to hearing it.

"Well I could not have done it without you," I say as I tap the bell around his neck giving a slight smile.

"Well you seem happy tonight." He replies. I stop and think back to why I am feeling so happy. Then I remember that today I was able to talk to Adrien without stuttering. It was only a few sentences but those sentences were able to get him over to my house. Granted we won't be there alone. Alya, Nino and a few others will be there but hey it's a start.

'I can't wait for tomorrow', I think to myself. I must have been spaced out longer than I thought because next thing I know Chat is waving his hand in my face.

"Hello, you still there Bugaboo?" I snap back into reality. "Oh, ha ha ha, sorry." I say with a nervous laugh. "I'm so happy because I just have plans that I'm excited for." I say with a giant smile across my face.

"Wanna tell me?" Chat says with a curious tone. 'BEEP BEEP BEEP' goes my miraculous.

"Sorry Chat, I gotta go." I say turning to swing away.

"Or..." he stops me "or maybe you could stay." He says hesitantly.

"Chat!" I say a little louder than my usual voice. "You know why we can't tell each other our identities! How many times do we have to go over this."

"I know, I know..." he says putting his hand up. "It's just... I'm tired of this." 'BEEP BEEP BEEP' his miraculous goes off.

"Okay I really have to go-" I was cut off by the sky suddenly lighting up. "You know what. Let's go recharge and rendezvous back here"

"Good idea m'lady." He says as we both turn away and zip off.

"Spots off!" I say while running into an alley. "Quick Tikki eat this!" I say giving her a chocolate chip cookie.

"Marinette, I don't think you should be facing the light in the sky. It's giving me weird vibes. I actually had a hard time separating from you." Tikki says.

"Well I'm ladybug and it's my job to protect Paris. If this light is a threat even if it's not Hawkmoth I still need to defend my home." I say in a determined tone.

Once Tikki finishes her cookie I get into costume and quickly get back to where me and chat said we were gonna meet up. He was already there.

"'Bout time bugaboo." He says. We both look up at the sky. "So what do you think we're dealing with here?"

"I don't know..." I say unsure, "but I don't think it's Hawkmoth."

He smirks, "yeah I think you're right..."

The light starts getting brighter and brighter, it seems like it's getting bigger too.

"Well, I think we should-" I blackout.

Next thing I know I wake up and it's day time. I'm in front of a big building in the shape of a U and an A. I sit up and Chat is next to me, unconscious. I tap him awake. "Uhhhh Chat..." I say really nervously looking around, "I don't think we're in Paris anymore.

Hey guys thank you for reading. This is my first ever fan-fic and/or crossover. I hoped y'all liked it. 

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