1. Emma

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I checked my reflection in the mirror one last time and before grabbing my backpack off of one of the many boxes. I still hadn't unpacked anything since I arrived in Roosevelt. I was too worried that things wouldn't go well here. I had a lot of concerns, but tried to stay positive.

I sighed and walked into the kitchen to see Noah finishing up his breakfast.

"Want some toast, Em?" he asked.

"No, thanks. I'm too nervous to eat," I confessed.

He nodded understandingly and grabbed his keys from the counter, "Ready to go?"

I followed him to the elevator and slowly walked towards his car, already dreading the day ahead.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? Maybe I shouldn't go...." I muttered while nervously pulling at my sleeves.

Noah chuckled and reassured me that everything would be alright, for what seemed like the hundredth time already. I nodded, trying to convince myself and reluctantly got into the car.

I pulled down the car visor to fix my hair, a nervous habit that was keeping me busy this morning.

"You'll text me all day?" Noah asked.


"You'll call me if you need anything?" he pushed.


"Are you sure that you'll be alright?"

"I think so?" I replied, trying to sound more confident. I don't think I hit the mark because Noah gave me a concerned glance as we pulled up to the front of the school. There were dozens of people hanging out on the front steps and walking in from their cars.

"But yes, I will text you all day and call you if anything happens." I added. I felt him put his hand on my knee and I looked away from the window to face him.

"Please be careful, Angel." he said quietly. I agreed and gave him a small smile in response.

"And have fun, I can't wait to hear all about high school!" Noah said, giving my knee a final squeeze and promising to pick me up after school.

I took a deep breath and gave Noah a final wave before heading towards the school. I was instantly overwhelmed by the crowded hallway and felt short of breath. I spun around looking for a bathroom, thankfully spotting one across the hall.

I stood in front of the sink, taking a few breaths and trying to calm down. This will be okay. I can do this. I ran a hand through my hair, still not completely used to the lighter color even though I had dyed it over a week ago.

After I calmed down a bit, I decided to brave the hallway once again. I made my way towards the front office, following the signs and thanking god that it was close to the entrance. The receptionist was friendly and printed out my schedule. She gave me directions to find my locker. I tried to pay close attention to her instructions, but was too nervous to retain any of the information.

I walked hesitantly back into the hallway and was surprised that there were significantly less people milling around, until I heard the bell ring. Oops. I couldn't believe I was going to be late on my first day, especially after I had made Noah drop me off extra early. I sighed, hoping that the rest of the day would go by smoother. 

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