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I woke up to the sound of people talking downstairs. I yawned and got dressed before joining them. Everyone was already downstairs. Samantha and Jack had taken it upon themselves to make breakfast, they were cooking a full meal of pancakes, bacon and eggs.

"So today we can go into town to walk around and shop, go hiking again, or stay in and watch a movie. Thoughts?" Anna asked everyone as we finished the last of our breakfast and she collected our empty plates.

"Jack and I were thinking about going hiking again," Samantha announced and Jack nodded in agreement.

"Oh Emma, how is your foot?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, you probably want to stay off of it and watch a movie or something" David suggested.

"It feels better today, thanks. Actually I was thinking that going downtown sounded fun, if anyone wanted to do that? I should be able to walk on my foot more today," Emma replied.

I said that I would go into town with Emma and Anna and David wanted to come too. Samantha and Jack changed into their hiking clothes and headed outside about an hour later, after Anna gave them directions to another trail nearby. I was happy not to go hiking today. It was fun, but I felt sore and was excited to do something else.

Anna drove the four of us into town, which was just a few minutes from her lake house. The main street looked really quaint. Small shops lined the brick-paved road and potted flowers were set against the sidewalks. Anna parked at one end and we started walking down the sidewalks window-shopping at each business we passed. Emma's foot seemed a little better today, she said the pain had dulled since she took some medicine this morning, but I could tell that she was still limping a little bit. 

"This is so cute!" Emma commented and Anna agreed, "I know, right? I love this little town."

We stopped at a shop that Anna suggested. I followed Emma inside and looked around the small store, it was filled with odds and ends, games, home products, gag gifts and more. We spent way longer than I expected in the store because it had some really fun stuff. Emma and I kept pointing out different games and trinkets to each other and laughing at the goofy gag presents. Emma ended up buying a few funny gifts for Noah before we finally left the store.

We stopped at a few more shops, some with clothes, others were candy or soap stores. Somewhere along the downtown sidewalk, my hand brushed Emma's and I was reminded of my pep-talk last night. I gently took her hand in mine and looked at her out of the corner of my eye for affirmation or disapproval of the simple gesture. She didn't look over at me or move her hand, but I thought I saw her lips turn up just the slightest bit.

We stopped for lunch after a while, I could tell Emma was getting a little tired and I'm sure her foot was aching from the walking. We ordered food from Anna's favorite café and sat inside enjoying the warmth. 

The weather was brisk outside, we all had heavier jackets on still and I felt additionally appreciative that we decided not to go hiking today since the temperature seemed to drop quite a bit since our hike yesterday. I glanced over at Emma who was stretching her ankle as best as she could in her tall brown boots. She had a matching brown jacket and big red scarf that made her look like she stepped out of a fall fashion catalogue, which she may as well have, knowing her connections. I was having a really fun afternoon with Emma, Anna and David. We hadn't done this in a while, just the four of us without any awkwardness between Emma and I.

After lunch, we continued behind Anna and David, following Anna towards another street she said we'd like. Hand in hand, I glanced over at Emma, "Are you having a nice day?"

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