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I almost groaned out loud as I pulled into the school parking lot. After a long summer of football camp, babysitting my younger sisters, and hanging out at David's lake house, school was the last place I wanted to be. Even two weeks in, it didn't get any easier to go everyday. I hopped out of my car and walked up the high school steps dodging confused freshmen as I approached some guys from the football team.

"Hey man, how's it going?" I greeted my best friend David.

"Good! Are you ready for practice today? The team is going to be awesome this year," David replied. We talked about our football team for a few minutes and we could have talked for hours, but were interrupted with the first period warning bell.

"Shit, I have to stop by my locker. I'll see you later" I told David. I pushed off the front steps and trudged into the building to get my history book before my first class started. I don't know how I spent too much time putting my stuff away, but I heard the final late bell ring out as I stood in front of my locker. Of course, I'm late, I thought as I quickly shoved my last book into my locker and spun around to rush to my first class.

"Oomf" I didn't expect to bump into anyone in the empty halls now that the final bell already rang.

"I'm sorry! I... " I looked up expecting to see a flustered freshman, but instead came face to face with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. She didn't look like a freshman, but I didn't recognize her.

I realized that I had been staring when I heard her apologizing. I blinked a few times to snap out of my daze.

"Oh no, it's my fault. I'm sorry, are you okay?" I reached down to help grab some of her fallen belongings.

"I'm alright! I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I'm new and got lost trying to find my first class," she replied. So that's why I didn't recognize her. She glanced up at me like she was trying to gauge my reaction. Did she think I was upset about bumping into her?

"My name is Emma, by the way. Emma Blake" she added, likely because I hadn't responded. I usually wasn't nervous, but anyone would be intimidated by this stunning girl. I handed her a fallen binder and her class schedule and as soon we locked eyes, I was lost in her blue eyes.

"Emma, that's really pretty. A pretty name, I mean. "I cleared my throat to help me focus, "Uh did you need help finding your class?"

"Oh thanks and yes please! That would be great.... I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?" Her blue eyes looked up at me expectedly.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I'm Luke Greyson." I said, reaching out to shake her hand, "What's your first class?"

"Um, History in room 110," she replied while staring at the printed out schedule she was holding.

"Oh, me too. I was just heading there." I nodded towards the direction of our class and we started walking down the empty hall.

"So did you just move here?" I asked.

"Yep, last week actually. I moved here from LA." she said.

"Wow" I glanced at her sideways, "California to Wisconsin? That's quite a change."

She didn't get a chance to respond as we approached the closed classroom door. I was about to open the door when I heard her release a small sigh.

I looked back at her, "You nervous?"

Her eyes flashed up to me, and she bit her lip, "Yeah a bit, but I'll be fine". I tried to send her a comforting smile as I opened the door for her. Our history teacher brushed off our tardiness as soon as Emma explained that she was new. I could already hear the whispers starting about Roosevelt High's new student as we took our seats. We don't get many new upperclassmen, and none as beautiful as Emma, so I wasn't surprised that the news of her presence spread like a wildfire.

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