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I was warming up on the football field and quickly glanced over to the bleachers as fans started to arrive for our game tonight. I was excited for the game and the party afterwards.

We jogged towards the bench to grab some water before the game started. I looked up at the bleachers, spotting Emma, Samantha and Anna in the crowd. They waved back at me enthusiastically when they noticed me looking up at them. The game went by in a blur, but we won 24-21 and the entire school was ready to celebrate.

After the final whistles blew, we jogged off the field to be met by classmates and parents. After grabbing my water bottle, I walked over to where David and Jack had already found Anna, Emma and Samantha. The girls congratulated us on the win, but I was distracted when I heard my name being called somewhere in the crowd. Before I saw anyone, I felt something on my leg. I looked down to find my youngest sister hugging my leg.

"Hey Cathy!" I said, bending down to pick her up. She squealed in response and I looked up to see my parents walking over too. I turned to greet my parents, who congratulated me on the win, "You were incredible, sweetheart! That last touchdown was amazing!"

"Thanks mom." I replied while giving her a quick hug.

My dad patted me on the back and agreed, "You really were great!"

"Thanks! Sarah didn't come?" I asked, wondering where my other sister was tonight.

"Oh, She's at her friend's house. You know Sarah, she always has something better to do," My dad answered chuckling.

"DAVID, good job tonight!" My mom said as she spotted David behind me.

"Thanks, Mrs. Greyson!" David came over to give my mom a hug too. David and I had been friends for years, so he knew my family pretty well. Anna walked towards my family with David and Emma trailing behind them, not wanting to intrude on their reunion, as my mom greeted Anna with a pleased hug as well.

My mom looked at Emma then at me expectedly, "Oh uh, mom this is Emma. She moved a few here from California."

Emma shook my parents hands and my mom gushed over her, even pulling her in for a hug, "Hi Emma, it's so nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you!"

My eyes widened as I looked at my mom, why would she say that? Emma just giggled and talked with my parents about her move to Wisconsin. We chatted with my parents a bit more before they decided to head home, reminding us to be safe at the party tonight. Emma had invited us to her apartment to pre-game and said that Noah could give us a ride to Andrew's party too.

The girls waited outside while we showered and changed in the locker rooms before we left for Emma's apartment. I was excited for the party tonight and the pre-game at her place, I always wondered what those apartments looked like. Once David and Jack were ready, we crammed into my car and headed to La Modern. David told me he could give me a ride to get my car tomorrow morning. I was thankful for this offer because I would probably be too drunk to drive it home tonight.

We parked in their visitor lot and were greeted by the concierge. Emma swiped her fob in the elevator and clicked the penthouse button, making us all silent in awe. I didn't realize that she lived on the top floor.

"Noah, we're here!" Emma called out as she all stepped into her apartment.

I heard Anna audibly gasp as we took in our surroundings. Her apartment was huge and there were floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the downtown skyline with the best view of Milwaukee that I had ever seen. The living room was equipped with a giant flat screen TV and kitchen looked like it could be on a professional cooking show.

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