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On Saturday morning I finished my cereal and sat at the kitchen table scrolling through Facebook on my phone. After Emma's big reveal, the rest of the week was surprisingly uneventful. Noah must have talked to the principal and town police because I hadn't seen any other paparazzi or reporters around the school, but did see a few security guards standing outside. Emma said that she wanted to stay out of the public for a few days just to be sure that any lingering reporters left town. She asked us to keep her reputation under wraps because most of the other students still hadn't recognized her and she wasn't looking for any more drama. I don't know if it was because my classmates were like me, not paying too much attention to the Hollywood A-lister scene or if it was because her new haircut that threw them off her scent.

I heard my sister Sarah slump into the seat across from me, muttering a quick hello. She grabbed some cereal and poured herself a bowl, also absorbed with her phone. We sat in a comfortable silence, catching up on social media until my dad came into the room. He started talking about 'kids these days', referring to us both sitting in silence engrossed in our phones. I sighed and headed to the living room to watch TV.

I settled on a Harry Potter marathon that happened to be on TV. Sarah followed me into the living room, likely escaping our dad's teasing too. My phone vibrated from the coffee table and I glanced at the screen to see a group chat with David, Emma and Anna lighting up. Emma asked if we wanted to hang out tonight.

Emma: Maybe watch a movie?

Anna: YEAH!

David: I'd be down.

I replied that I would be interested too and watched the blue dots bounce around as Emma was typing.

Emma: Okay! Did you guys want to come over to my place around 8?

Emma: Also, did you guys want to stay over?

Anna and David agreed. Emma explained that Noah had to travel at the last minute and he didn't want her to stay alone. After everything I heard a few days ago with her ex-boyfriend and his friend Eli coming to town, I understood his concern.

I walked back to the kitchen to ask my dad if I could stay over at a friends with David, leaving out the part that Anna and Emma would be there, and replied to the group text, 'I'm in too.'

I didn't really know what to expect tonight, but Emma promised movies, games and alcohol, so I was excited.

David picked me and Anna up that night and we all headed over to Emma's apartment. Noah was outside the building getting ready to leave with his bags when we arrived. He said a quick goodbye to us and talked to Emma a bit longer before hopping in the back of the car, while his driver took him to the airport.

We got up to the apartment and Emma poured everyone some wine and beer, as we settled in on the couch.

"Where is Noah going?" Anna asked as she sipped her wine.

"Just to New York" Emma answered, turning on some music and sitting down next to Anna.

"So Emma..." Anna continued. I didn't know where Anna was going, but it sounded suspicious, "I can't believe all your Instagram pictures! Wait, I have a question, who is...?" Anna pulled out her phone and started scrolling, but stopped and asked Emma, "Wait, can I put my phone on the screen?" She asked pointing at the flat screen TV hanging on the wall in front of us.

"Sure" Emma answered casually, gabbing the remote and opening an Instagram app on the TV, which had her account already open. Emma handed the remote over to Anna who was more than thrilled and immediately started scrolling through Emma's photos.

"Omg you are friends with Ariana Grande!" Anna commented after scrolling past a few photos of them posing and laughing together. Emma nodded and took another drink of her wine. Anna clicked on a few photos of Emma with other celebrities, while David and I just watched amused, sipping our drinks.

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