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I didn't hear from Emma after our first basketball practice. I tried texting and calling to tell her about it, but didn't get a response until the next morning. I was getting ready for school when my phone finally beeped.

Emma: Sorry I didn't reply last night, I fell asleep early.

I didn't respond right away, I was just planning to just meet her at school in a few minutes. 

A little while later, I walked up to Emma's locker while she was getting out her history book.

"Good morning, sleepyhead" I greeted her.

She looked at me sheepishly, "Sorry, I was exhausted last night."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." I scolded her jokingly.

"So tell me, how was your practice? Who made captain?" She asked, closing her locker and putting her full attention on me. I loved how she could make you feel so important, even when it was about something as little as basketball practice. 

"David made captain!" I replied, leaning against her locker. I knew that I wasn't going to be captain and was thrilled for David, I knew that he wanted it.

"Wow, that's awesome!" She replied, excited for our friend. I told her more about practice before she spotted David across the hall and suggested we congratulate him. We walked the short distance to his locker and Emma gave him a hug, congratulating him. 

"Yeah, you deserve it, man." I said, patting him on the back.

"Thanks guys! I'm pretty stoked." he replied grinning. Anna and Chloe joined us at David's locker, congratulating David on the good news too.

"Emma, did you want to study for our Spanish test tonight?" Anna asked, turning to Emma.

"I can't tonight, I'm having dinner with my parents" Emma replied, playing with her bracelet.

"Your parents? I never hear you talk about your parents." Anna replied, which was true. I hadn't really thought about it, but didn't think that her parents were at her apartment much. I hadn't even met them. 

"Yeah, they've been working and traveling a lot recently, but they're in town for a few days this week" Emma explained briefly.

"Where did you say you moved here from?" Chloe asked Emma, narrowing her eyes at her and adding "You look so familiar..."

"Los Angeles" Emma answered shortly, but causing Chloe to gasp nonetheless.

"OH MY GOD, I know why I recognize you! You're Emma Blake, right? The Emma Blake? Omg, I can't believe I didn't recognize you sooner! What are you doing here? Wait, you know Jay Scratch, right? Can I have his number?" Chloe gushed, bombarding Emma with questions.

Emma blinked in surprised and I watched as her eyes frantically looked around pleadingly, but the bell rang before I could jump in to help. I heard Emma let out a sigh of relief, but it was short lived as Chloe told her that she had many more questions for Emma at lunch. Emma just nodded and Chloe scampered off towards her first class. 

Emma and I walked to our first period together. "So your parents are in town?" I reiterated casually. 

 She nodded thoughtfully before answering, "Yeah! I'm excited to see them. Honestly, they took so much time off work last year when everything happened with Jeremy and rehab and everything that they've had to work a lot recently and haven't been able to visit much recently," she explained. I was glad that she was able to confide in me. 

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