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I snuck up behind Emma at her locker the next morning before class, "Good morning!"

She jumped and dropped her phone, "Luke, you scared me! I had enough of that last weekend at the haunted forest!"

I laughed and picked up her phone, not meaning to notice who she was texting, but saw Noah's name flash on the screen. I handed it back to her and smiled at how good she looked. She was just wearing jeans and a dark blue shirt, but looked beautiful.

We walked to our first period class together, chatting about which episode of The Office I was watching last night. We both loved the show and had seen it so many times. We took our seats next to the window and got ready for class to start.

"Are you coming to David's house tonight?" I asked her.

The Packers vs. Bears football game was on tonight. David was a Packers fan, while I liked the Bears, so this game was always a fun one to watch together. Emma nodded and said that she was excited. We didn't get any more time to talk as the bell rang and our history teacher started class.

We all met at Anna's locker after our last class. Luckily none of us had practice today, it was nice to have a break.

"Ready to go?" David asked and we all nodded and followed him to the parking lot.

"Oh shoot," Emma muttered as we saw Noah standing by his car, "I forgot to tell Noah that I didn't need a ride. I'll just be a minute."

She started walking towards Noah, but Anna grabbed her arm, "Why don't you invite him? We can all get to know him." She suggested. Emma bit her lip, thinking over what Anna said.

"Uh, okay. Is that alright David?" she asked, as we were going to his house. David assured her that it was fine and she told us that they'd meet us there before walking reluctantly to Noah's car.

"Great..." I muttered sarcastically under my breath once Emma was out of earshot, although it must not have been that quiet.

"You don't like him?" Anna asked turning towards me, I didn't mean for her to hear me so I just shrugged in reply.

Emma and Noah arrived at David's house as we were pulling into his driveway. We all headed inside and down to David's basement, where he had a huge TV, pool table and kitchenette with tons of snacks and drinks. Noah seemed a bit uncomfortable and I couldn't blame him, we had only just met him, so he never left Emma's side. I grabbed the remote and switched on the TV, trying to ignore the fact that Noah casually placed his arm around Emma's shoulders.

"So how did you guys meet?" Anna asked, facing Emma and Noah.

Noah looked at Anna from his phone, "Uh, just through mutual friends."

Anna nodded, but continued to pry, "So are you in college nearby?" He looked older than high school, but not by much. I guess that was Anna's casual way of asking.

"No, I'm working now" Noah replied vaguely, but continued when Anna stared at him expectantly. She had a way of making people open up to her. "I'm a designer."

Anna seemed delighted to learn more about Noah and had about 20 more questions for him.

"Ooh, what do you design? Is that what brought you to Roosevelt?" Anna asked. I couldn't deny that I was intrigued as well.

"I work in fashion, so mostly high-end clothing. Most of my work is remote, but I do have to travel a lot." Noah answered. Huh, that was interesting. David came downstairs and took a seat next to Anna.

"I'm ready to see the Packers win!" David taunted, I just rolled my eyes in response. He casually put him arm over Anna's shoulders, and I immediately felt like a 5th wheel.

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