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After David and I finished basketball practice, we met up with Anna and Emma in the library. I spotted them immediately as we stepped into the library, they were sitting at a nearby table with books sprawled out in front of them. Emma was doing homework while Anna was scrolling through her phone. 

"You guys ready?" David asked as we walked up to their table.

Emma jumped at the sound of David's voice, she must not have heard us walk over. "Ready for what?" she asked, looking confused. 

"We're going ice skating!" Anna announced happily as she started to put away her books.

"Oh, I don't think I'll go..." Emma said. Wait, I thought that she had invited or at least told Emma beforehand. 

I watched Emma and Anna exchange a look. Emma looked like she was trying to tell her something with her eyes. I noticed that Emma wasn't wearing the necklace that I gave her for Christmas and felt my chest ache a little. I tried to ignore that feeling and focus back on Emma and Anna's conversation.

"C'mon Emma, it'll be fun!" Anna pleaded.

"I just, I don't actually know how to ice skate" she said quietly.

"That's okay! It's easy and you'll get the hang of it" Anna reassured her. 

After the girls talked for a while longer, Anna was somehow able to convince Emma to come, even though she didn't seem too enthusiastic about it. 

We walked towards the parking lot and Anna and David walked a few feet in front of Emma and I. I nervously tapped my fingers against my leg, trying to think of something to say. Emma was quiet too and I'm sure she could feel the growing tension between us.

I cleared my throat before asking, "How was studying?"

"It was alright. We didn't get a lot done, you know how distracted Anna gets" she replied chuckling at her friend in front of us.

"Hey guys!" I heard someone call from behind us. I turned around and wished that I hadn't. Chloe was jogging down the hallway towards us.

"No, no, no..." I heard Anna whisper behind me, spotting Chloe too.

"Hi everyone! How's it going? I was just finishing my art project" Chloe explained when she reached us, sounding out of breath from running down the hall. We all said hello and Anna told her that she and Emma were studying in the library as Chloe walked with us to the parking lot.

"Should we take two cars?" David asked, turning towards me.

"Where are you guys going?" Chloe asked, still standing with us outside the school. Chloe coming to the ice rink was not part of my plan to apologize and talk to Emma.

"We're going ice skating, did you want to come?" Emma politely invited her, even though she didn't want to go herself.

"Yes! That sounds so fun!" Chloe squealed.

"Great," Anna said, sounding less enthusiastic. "Let's take two cars. I can drive."

The girls went with Anna and I drove David to the outdoor rink a few minutes away. I hadn't been here in a few years, but it looked just the same. The outdoor ice rink was lined with a barrier and surrounded by benches. We headed over the pavilion first, to rent our skates. The smell of hot chocolate wafted in the warm air inside the small building. 

I wanted to pay for Emma's rental, but she went to the open clerk next to me, requesting her size before I had time. This was not going as I imagined, at least Chloe rushed off to the bathroom after getting her skates, giving me a few minutes with Emma. We laced up our skates and headed outside. I was glad that it wasn't too cold tonight. We staggered towards the rink, I turned around to see Emma lagging a few steps behind me and wobbling on her skates. I waited for her at the entrance of the ice rink, letting Anna and David go in first.

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