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Emma hadn't been to school since her first soccer game on Monday. I texted her on Tuesday when she wasn't in class and she assured me that she just wasn't feeling well. On Wednesday I asked if there was anything I could bring her, homework, soup, even medicine, but she said she would be fine. I didn't think I'd see her on Friday, but alas, she was already at her locker when I got to school.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked, leaning against the lockers next to hers.

"Much better, thanks." She replied. She didn't look sick at least.

"That's good. I missed you the last few days. I mean, we all did..." I replied. Was that a weird thing to say?

"Aw, I missed you guys too" she replied smiling up at me. Even when I thought what I said was weird, Emma never made it awkward. She had a way to make all our conversations flow so easily. Maybe it was because she was so kind, not just to me, but to everyone. That's one thing I noticed about her, she was always so friendly, which is probably why everyone loved her.

"Emma! You're back!" Anna and Samantha pushed past me to hug Emma like they hadn't seen her in years.

"OMG Emma, are you free tonight?" Samantha asked her while Anna looked equally eager for Emma's response.

Emma looked at them skeptically before replying, "Yes? I think so, what did you have in mind?" They squealed at her answer and told her that it was a surprise. Emma rolled her eyes playfully before looking at me, "Do you know about this big surprise tonight?"

I put my hands up in surrender, "I have no idea."

Anna and Samantha turned to me as if they had forgotten I was there, "YOU! You're coming tonight too." It was more of a command than a question, so I just shrugged and nodded, "Sure."

Samantha volunteered to drive everyone to our mysterious destination, which wasn't so mysterious after David filled me in on tonight's plan. Anna and Samantha had won tickets to see one of their favorite bands at a small concert venue a few towns over.

We stopped at Anna's house last, to pick up her and Emma. Samantha honked to announce our arrival and the girls quickly scurried out of the house, not wanting Samantha to honk again. Emma was wearing dark jeans, a sparkly top and black leather jacket, and she looked beautiful. Her hair was curled and she was wearing more makeup than usual.

"Luke, why don't you sit in the very back?" David suggested quickly before the girls got into the car. I gave him a confused look, making him say it loud, "I was hoping to sit with Anna..."

"Aww" I replied, smirking at him and giving him some grief before moving into the very backseat. Emma climbed in next to me, still complaining that she didn't know where we were going.

She looked at me with big eyes, "Do you know?" she whispered. I knew she was trying to get answers out of me and I would have given them to her. I would have told her anything, but Anna must have heard her and interrupted before I could get a word out.

"FINE! We'll tell you, Em. We got tickets to see Bad Reputation in concert! They're finally on tour and coming to Glenview. Samantha and I won a bunch of free tickets online!" Anna exclaimed.

I looked at Emma expecting her to be more excited. I've heard her and Anna talk about the band so many times, instead she looked hesitant.

"Oh..." she said quietly, more to herself than to anyone else.

"Are you excited Emma?! It's been so hard keeping it a secret!" Samantha yelled from the driver's seat.

"Yeah, it'll be awesome!" Emma replied, sounding unconvincing. Emma pulled out her phone and I swear I've never seen anyone text so fast. I tried not to eavesdrop over her shoulder, so I looked out the window until I heard her breath a sigh of relief. I looked back at Emma and looked much calmer and genuinely excited for the concert.

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