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Noah reserved a private jet for our trip and we didn't have to plan anything since we were all staying at Emma's house in Los Angeles. We got off the plane and Emma immediately recognized the limo driver waiting for us on the tarmac. He helped us get our bags into the limo, which was actually convenient with so many of us.

The ride to Emma's house was fairly quiet, we were all looking out the window, taking in the palm trees and skyscrapers surrounding us. We finally pulled up in front of a large house and it looked two or three stories high with a massive front yard.

We followed Emma inside, gawking at the inside of her house, well it was more like a mansion. The entranceway and living room had really high ceilings and was elegantly decorated. Emma gave us a tour, showing us a few rooms where we could sleep, there were more than enough space at her house. After we dropped off our bags, Emma continued the tour in her huge kitchen and luxurious living room. My mouth hung open the entire tour, I couldn't believe that Emma lived here. We finished the tour in the backyard. There was a swimming pool surrounded by a patio with grills, outdoor couches, and a fire pit. I don't know how she could ever leave this house, it was incredible.

We made ourselves comfortable in the living room, talking about our plan for the weekend.

"I have some friends throwing parties tonight and tomorrow, if you guys want, of course. We can go sightseeing tomorrow too. Is there anything in particular that you guys want to do while you're here?" Emma asked. None of us had anything in mind, except Anna who suggested seeing the Hollywood sign. Emma told her that we'd have a great view of it from the rooftop party tomorrow.

The doorbell rang and Emma yelled, "It's Ari!" jumping up. She didn't even have time to reach the front door before I heard it open.

"EM!" I heard Ariana's voice from the other room. We all said hi to Ariana as she made her way towards the living room. Every time I see Ariana Grande, I forget how short she is and her long hair made her look even shorter.

Chloe freaked out a little bit, I forgot that she hadn't met Ariana before. I had met her a few times that now she seemed like more of an acquaintance to me than a super-famous pop-star. Chloe was jumping up and down and even got a selfie with Ariana, who seemed a little taken back by the interaction. She probably wasn't expecting to be bombarded by a new fan in Emma's house.

After Chloe calmed down a bit, we returned to the living room to hang out. Emma and Ariana, or Ari as she called her, talked about the party tonight and what we wanted to do beforehand. Emma said that she wanted to take us to her favorite restaurant for dinner. I wasn't even sure where or who's party we were going to tonight, but it seemed like Emma and Noah had everything planned and tomorrow we'd do some more tourist things since none of us had been to LA before. I was up for anything, just happy to be in California with my friends.

I glanced over at Chloe while Emma and Ariana were talking about the weekend plans, but she was engulfed in her phone. I assumed she was busy editing the selfie of her and Ariana Grande before she posted it on Instagram. I looked over at my other friends who seemed to be half listening to Emma and Ari and half having their own private conversation.

"Okay, we better start getting ready!" Ari shouted excitedly, standing up and skipping towards the huge stairwell on the other side of the living room.

Emma jumped up and ran after her, "Okay!"

The rest of us followed them upstairs, and started getting ready in our rooms. Emma must have turned on some music because I could hear it blasting from down the hall. It didn't take me long to get ready, I just had to change my clothes and reapply deodorant and cologne. I figured that I'd wait downstairs with David and Noah until the girls were ready. I stepped into the hallway and saw Anna wavering at the other end of the hall, where the music was coming from. Was she waiting for David? I walked towards her and noticed a nervous look on her face.

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