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The next day, I woke up to the smell of waffles. Still half asleep, but starving so I followed my nose downstairs to the kitchen. My dad was making waffles while my sisters were already digging into his first batch.

My mom poured me some orange juice as I sat down at the table, "How was the concert, Luke?"

"It was really fun, sorry we got back so late." I said, filling my plate with bacon.

"I saw David's mom at the YMCA yesterday during the girls gymnastics practice and she said that David's been hanging out with Anna a lot recently, are they finally dating now?" she asked. 

I laughed at my mom's intrigue in the latest school gossip, "I'm not sure. They're close friends, but I'm not sure if they're officially dating yet, but he definitely likes her," I replied honestly.

"Hmm. She also said there was a new girl in school, are you friends with her?" She asked. 

"Yeah, her name is Emma. She's really nice, we've actually become good friends." I told her as my dad put some waffles on my plate and asked about some of my classes.

My mom suggested we go apple picking today and my sisters squealed in excitement. Well, my youngest sister, Catherine did. Sarah was in eighth grade and thought she was too cool to do anything with our family, even though I know she actually liked hanging out with us.

We spent the afternoon picking apples at a nearby orchard. Catherine spent most of the trip on my shoulders and dropping them into the bag I was also carrying. I was such a sucker for my youngest sister. She was annoying sometimes, but I couldn't bear to say no to her requests. She was at that age where she was so cute that she could ask for anything. 

That night we decided to watch a movie and settled on The Pink Panther, or rather Catherine settled on it, even though she fell asleep halfway through. I pulled out my phone, we've all seen this movie a thousand times because it's one of Catherine's favorites. It was just another example of none of us wanting to say no to Catherine. Feeling bored, I texted Emma to see what she was up to.

Sarah was barely watching the movie either as her phone lit up her face. I'm sure she was on Facebook, Instagram, or some celebrity news app. She loved reading celebrity gossip; I didn't understand the obsession though. Who cares what celebrities are doing? I focused back on the movie, until I heard my phone vibrate on the couch next to me.

I almost forgot to watch the rest of the movie as Emma and I texted back and forth. I told her about my day with my family and about my sisters. She said she hadn't done much today, she was just hanging out with Noah. I loved talking with her, even about nothing at all. 

The next week went by unbelievably slow. We had a Chemistry and Spanish test, so I spent most of my free time studying or catching up on homework.

"Ugh, this week is rough" Anna complained as she banged her head lightly against her opened Chemistry book on the cafeteria table. She was doing some last minute cramming before our test last hour. 

"How about we all go to the diner for some food after soccer and football practice today? I need to do something beside homework and studying tonight" Anna suggested and we all agreed to meet at the parking lot after practice. Samantha and Jack already had plans and decided not to come with us. 

When I sat down in the last period, I was ready to be done with the Chemistry test and not have it looming over my head. I nudged Emma's arm as she sat down next to me, "You ready for this test?"

She sighed, "I guess, I just hate Chemistry" she said as she pulled her hair into a ponytail. I thought back to the other night after the concert when she fell asleep on my lap.

"Yeah, Chemistry sucks, I'm just excited for this to be over," I looked over my notes once more before the teacher passed out the test.

David and I were sitting on the parking lot curb waiting for Anna and Emma after our football practice. I texted my mom to let her know I wouldn't be home for dinner and was scrolling through Facebook when we heard footsteps.

"Hi! Sorry to keep you guys waiting, our coach let us out a little late." Emma apologized.

"Ugh, it was awful!" Anna complained, "First that Chemistry test then soccer practice was mostly sprinting, it's like they're coordinating this hell week. I'm so tired, will you drive Emma?" 

Anna had barely asked before tossing her keys at Emma and climbing into the passenger seat. I heard the keys hit the ground and looked over to see Emma looking down at them for a moment before slowly picking them up. She fidgeted with them and looked over at me and back at the car.

"You okay?" I asked as we stood outside Anna's car. We were going to take two cars so we wouldn't have to come back to pick up my car, but David stopped before getting into my car to see what our hold-up was. 

"Oh uh... I actually can't drive" She said, still fidgeting with the keys in her hand.

"You don't have your license?!" David asked, clearly surprised. He must have noticed that Emma looked embarrassed because he added, "I'll drive Anna's car. You can ride with Luke." 

Emma gave him the keys, thanking him, before getting into the passenger seat of my car. 

"So no license?" I asked as I pulled out of the parking lot, following David to the diner.

"Yeah... I just never needed one in California so I never learned. I guess I should get one now?" She replied. 

"I can always help you learn too," I offered. 

"Thanks! I might have to take you up on that." Emma said as we pulled up at the restaurant. Just as we were heading inside Emma got a call. 

"Go ahead, I'll just be a minute." I nodded and headed inside as she took the call outside, joining us inside a few minutes later. 

"Oh, did you want to wear my jersey again tomorrow for the game?" I asked as Emma scooted in the booth next to me. 

"Yeah, definitely!" She said. We ordered our food and made plans to go to a haunted house together this weekend. 

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