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Since Chloe arrived at the cabin, and especially since Emma announced that she and Steven had broken up, I planned to break-up with Chloe that night when we were alone, but my plan didn't go as expected since Chloe had a few too many drinks. She was dancing and subsequently puking, most of the night. 

I was busy taking care of Chloe and didn't have a chance to talk to Emma before she went to bed and couldn't talk to Chloe seriously because she wouldn't have remembered anything the next day. 

I woke up the next morning next to Chloe snoring next to me and the events of last night came pouring back to me. I didn't even intend to sleep in her room, but drunk Chloe dragged me in after her and I wanted to stay long enough to make sure she was alright. I must have fallen asleep while I was waiting for her to go to bed. 

I got out of bed and closed the door quietly behind me. Chloe probably needed a lot more sleep before she felt better again. I snuck down to the kitchen to find Anna and David already making coffee. Coffee sounded incredible right now. We talked about last night and how we were feeling today, I was doing much better after some coffee. 

"So you and Emma seemed pretty close..." David said, making sure nobody was coming downstairs behind us. Anna poured us all another cup of coffee and raised her eyebrows at me, waiting for my response. She had obviously told David that she saw us kissing. 

I groaned at their interrogation and ran a hand over my face, "Yeah... Everything just felt so right. I didn't plan to kiss Emma yesterday. I mean, I-..." I paused to check that nobody was coming downstairs before finishing my confession, " I was actually planning to break up with Chloe next time I see her, but I didn't expect her to come up this weekend. And I was going to tell her last night, but she got so drunk..." I babbled, feeling better to get everything off my chest.

"Wow" was all that David and Anna had to say. I gave them a serious 'are you kidding me' face at their lack of response and waited for them to reply. 

"Well," Anna finally said, you can talk to Chloe today if you want, but as for Emma..." she stopped and glanced at her boyfriend.

"What?" I asked impatiently. 

"Emma left this morning" David answered. I think he said something about Thomas picking her up earlier today because her ankle was still hurting, but I couldn't focus on anything else he said. I groaned internally and rested my head on the counter. My head was starting to hurt, but I didn't think it had much to do with my hangover.

Chloe, Samantha, and Jack came downstairs a little while later. Chloe wasn't feeling well today, as presumed. We all decided to go out for brunch and to help cure our hangovers.

I was finally able to ask Chloe to talk privately when we were back at the lake house. We went up to our room and I told Chloe that I really liked her, but didn't think it was working between us. Chloe didn't seem too surprised that I was breaking up with her. She looked unhappy, but also told me that she had been sleeping with Andrew for a few weeks now. I admit that hurt, but I couldn't be too upset since I kissed Emma less than twenty-four hours ago. I told her that I wanted to stay friends and she called me a few vulgar names.

After our talk, I went outside to the patio to get some fresh air. I sighed and looked out over the lake, but turned towards the house when I saw the hot tub out of my corner of my eye. My kiss with Emma the night before came rushing back and I decided that I needed to see her right away. I needed to get home to see Emma. I needed to tell her how I felt. 

I found Anna inside and convinced her to let me borrow her car since they had enough room in Jack's and Chloe's cars to get everyone home. The entire car ride home I couldn't stop thinking about everything that happened in the last two days. I replayed my break-up with Chloe and thought of what I would say to Emma. I really didn't want to screw things up with her again. I drove directly to her apartment and before I knew it, I was standing in front of her apartment door. 

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