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"So Luke, what do you want to do for your birthday this year?" David asked as I sat down at our usual lunch table.

He knew that I didn't do much to celebrate, even though he tried to get me to throw a party every year. I'd rather just go to Andrew's house parties than have to worry about throwing any myself. Plus my parents and sisters are usually around and would never let me have a huge party.

"Your birthday is soon? When?" Emma asked as she and Anna sat down at our lunch table.

"It's this Sunday" I replied to Emma, "And probably nothing" I said to David who instantly pouted.

"I have an idea! Are you all free on Friday night?" Emma asked, her face lighting up. I wonder what she had in mind. Everyone nodded. 

"Okay, let me make some calls," Emma said. She stood up and walked into the hall, leaving us all confused as to what she was up to. Emma didn't come back the rest of lunch and I didn't see her until our Chemistry class.

"So what is this big idea of yours? You never came back to lunch" I asked as I sat down next to her in Chemistry.

"It's a secret! But make sure you clear your schedule for all night on Friday. We'll be gone until late." She responded vaguely. Our Chemistry teacher started the lecture, so I wasn't able to get any more information out of her.

When the bell rang I immediately asked her again, "What are we doing on Friday?!" I jokingly narrowed my eyes at her. "I know you'll crack, Emma."

She covered her face with her hands, peaking out a little bit to say, "I know! I really want to tell you, but also want it to be a surprise! Ahhh!"

"C'mon Emma, spill." I urged. 

"FINE! If you're forcing me to tell you, then I guess I have to!" Emma exclaimed. Well she gave in much quicker than I thought. She looked so cute when she was excited. 

"Okay, for your birthday I got us tickets to the Chicago Bulls Basketball Game!" she announced. She looked nervous, like somehow I wouldn't like it. I had no idea why though, that sounded incredible.

"REALLY?! That's awesome, I love the Bulls!" I said, pulling her into a big hug. "Thank you, really." I whispered into her ear.

"Oh, I'm glad you like it! I got four tickets, I thought it could be you, me, David and Anna? Samantha mentioned that she and Jack were busy this weekend" She explained.

I nodded enthusiastically, "That sounds amazing."

She seemed so happy, even though she was the one giving me a gift. That's what I liked about her, she liked making other people happy.

By the time Friday rolled around, I couldn't be more excited for the game. David picked me up first, putting me in charge of music for the car ride. I had on my bulls shirt and David wore his Bucks jersey. After we picked up Anna and Emma we had a two hour ride to get to Chicago. Emma had on a Bull's jersey and jeans too. She was wearing ankle boots with a tall heel, the only reason I noticed this was because she and Anna had a long conversation about them when they got into the car.

Anna didn't care much about basketball, but Emma seemed genuinely excited for the game. She said she didn't watch much football before she moved here, but always loved basketball. We spent the car ride comparing favorite players, David tried to chime in with his favorite Bucks players, but we would barely let him finish. It was cool that Emma was a Bull's fan like me, even though she was from California. 

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