36. Emma

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I was really upset after I saw Luke kissing Chloe at the party last weekend. I really thought that there was something special between Luke and I and after our kiss and, I don't know, I thought we would end up together or something. I didn't want to stay and talk because I knew I would just start crying. After everything with Jeremy, I thought I was finally ready to start something real with Luke, but I guess he didn't feel the same way about me.

I was a little self-destructive after this revelation. I drank way too much when I visited Jay at his show in Las Vegas and spent the next few days recovering, but I was happy to see Jay at least. I just couldn't believe that Luke kissed Chloe. For days afterwards, I couldn't stop replaying that night in my head. I was looking for Luke and saw him talking to Chloe in the other room. I'm sure my mouth hung open as I watched them make-out in the middle of the party. I finally tore my eyes away and called Noah to pick me up. My voice cracked on the phone, but I willed myself not to cry at this party, not in front of my friends, and not for a boy that was kissing another girl.

I was surprised that I held myself together until I closed the car door, then immediately broke down in front of Noah. I hated putting this on Noah, but he was so kind and listened to everything. I was the one who suggested visiting Jay. I wanted to take my mind off of Luke and missed my friend.

I sat at the kitchen breakfast bar trying to concentrate on my Spanish homework. Still regretting ice skating yesterday. My feet were sore, my butt hurt from falling, and I had to watch Luke and Chloe skate around together, laughing and holding hands. I did meet Steven though. He was... alright. I mean, he was really nice and good-looking, but I still couldn't get my mind off of Luke.

Once Chloe joined us on the ice, I left the rink, not wanting to be a third wheel. I fell a few times trying to find the exit, but finally made my way out. I sat on a nearby bench and watched everyone skate by for a while, but my eyes kept finding Chloe and Luke in the crowd. I sighed and looked down at my feet, considering just taking the skates off and calling Noah to pick me up instead of waiting around for Anna. I felt someone sit down next to me and glanced over when I heard a voice.

"Why is such a beautiful girl sitting by herself?" A deep voice asked from beside me and I restrained myself from rolling my eyes. He probably meant well, but I had heard so many pick-up lines over the years that I was just tired of being picked up. I looked over to find a boy about my age sitting next to me. He was tall and had dark hair that looked almost black. We talked about my terrible ice skating, school, and sports, after a while he held out his hand, suggesting that we skate. I was hesitant to go back on the ice, but took his hand and returned to the rink.

Steven was really nice and fun to talk to, but I didn't feel a spark. I'm not even sure why I gave him my phone number, except maybe that I still felt dejected by Luke and Chloe's sprouting relationship.

My phone beeped next to me and I saw another text from Steven. He had been texting me constantly to ask me out. I kept brushing it off, thinking he might get the hint, but he was persistent. I sighed and decided to finally give in to Steven's invitation, suggesting a casual dinner tomorrow. I wasn't too excited about it, but needed a way to get my mind off of a certain green-eyed boy.

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