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David and I decided to shoot some baskets after school to get ready for the start of basketball season next week. After Chemistry we quickly changed in the locker rooms and walked onto the empty gym. It was nice to be on the court again. David was better than me at basketball, but I still loved playing.

We shot around for a while, before David spoke up, "So what's going on with you and Emma?" he asked casually. I paused mid-shot, not expecting him to ask that. I tossed the ball back and forth in my hands, thinking of how to answer.

"I don't know... We're just friends." I answered, finally shooting the ball from the three-point line.

"Yeah right! You two have been so close lately, you're always talking and holding hands. I'm pretty sure I saw you almost kiss her a few times too. Wait- have you kissed her?" He pressed, dribbling around me and making a layup. I grabbed his rebound and made a layup of my own.

"No, we haven't kissed. We're just friends."

"Why don't you ask her out?" He asked.

"I don't want to make things weird, I mean I don't even know if she likes me more than a friend" I said trying not to sound lame, but David laughed at me anyways.

He dribbled around me before scoring on me again, "Psh, it's obvious you both like each other" he said casually.

"Wait, really? You think she likes me?" I asked, stopping to catch my breath.

He just chuckled at my questions, but didn't bother responding to what I asked, "Anna told me that she and Emma are going to the mall tonight and asked if we wanted to meet them for dinner, you in?"

"Sure, sounds fun. What about you and Anna anyways? Are you two dating yet?" I asked, turning the tables on him. 

"Yeah, we actually talked about it the other day and we're officially dating now," he replied.

"David, that's awesome! Congrats man!" I was genuinely happy that he and Anna were finally together. I knew that he had been crushing on her for a while now. We played for a while later until we got tired before we decided to put the balls away. 

We walked around the mall aimlessly trying to figure out where we were supposed to meet the girls. David was texting Anna to see where we should meet them.

"Anna said that they're almost ready, but we can meet them at the store while they finish up, I think it's... this way?" he said, pointing in a seemingly random direction, but I shrugged and followed him anyway. 

After a bit more wandering, we found the store and I followed David back towards the dressing rooms. Apparently Anna told him they were almost done trying on clothes. It felt weird to walk through a women's store, but none of the salespeople seemed to bat an eye, the store was pretty empty anyways. Standing at the entrance to the dressing room, we had no idea if the girls were even in there until we heard them talking.

"I'm so happy you and David are dating!" Emma congratulated Anna, unaware that we were there. David gave me a look that I should be quiet, he must have wanted to see what Anna would say about him. 

"I know, me too! I'm so happy with him!" Anna exclaimed before asking, "So when are you and Luke making it official?"My head snapped up at Anna's question and David gave me a smirk. I mouthed for him to stay quiet, as we continued to stand awkwardly outside the entrance to the dressing rooms. 

"We're just friends, Anna" Emma replied sounding uncertain, at least I think, it was hard to tell. 

"Ugh, you guys are just so cute together! Okay what if he asked you out? You'd say yes, right?" Anna asked her. I held my breath and listened intently. I felt nervous about hearing her answer and took up Noah's habit of tapping my fingers on my leg. 

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