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I didn't see Emma for the next few days. I texted her about her absence, she said that she had just been busy with her parents and her lawyers. School was uneventful without her, although it was probably good that I focused on my classes, especially with exams coming up.

I tried to keep my distance from Chloe after David confirmed that she was flirting with me, but she seemed all too interested in me. Don't get me wrong, I liked Chloe; she was really nice and funny, but I wasn't interested in dating her. I only had eyes for one girl, who I had seen very little of this week.

"What's got you down, Luke?" Anna asked, meeting me at my locker between classes. I hadn't been in a good mood today and didn't need anyone reminding me. "Maybe because a certain blonde has been MIA this week?" Anna guessed while shooting me with a teasing smile.

"Whatever, let's just go to class" I muttered, nodding towards our math class.

I was surprised to see Emma sitting at our usual lunch table when I walked into the cafeteria.

"You're here!" I didn't care that I was stating the obvious and grinned at the beautiful girl sitting across from me. I was happy to see her.

"Yep, I'm here! You miss me?" she teased, smiling back to me.

"I did, actually. How are your parents?" I asked.

"They're good! It was so nice to see them, but we had a lot to do to prepare for my trail and stuff," she explained. I watched Anna sneak up behind Emma and hug her from behind while David and Chloe sat down at our table.

"I'm so happy that you're back!" Anna said, squeezing Emma one last time before releasing her and taking a seat.

After catching Emma up on what she's missed the last few days, she told us more about the beach trip we were all joining her on next week. It wasn't over Christmas and we wouldn't have to skip any school, so my parents were fine with me going. Chloe said that she wasn't able to get out of her family trip, so it was just Emma, Anna, David, Noah, Jay and I. Emma said that we were staying at a beach house right on the water. The more she told us, the more excited I was.

I couldn't find the perfect chance to ask Emma on an official date before our trip to Miami, we were both so busy with exams and I had basketball practice most nights, so I put my plan on hold until after our trip.

Noah had booked a private jet for the 5 of us, while Jay would be meeting us in Miami. The private jet was so cool; we had seats facing each other, champagne, and snacks just like in all the movies. I took a seat next to Emma and across from David, we let the girls have the window seats. Emma yawned on the just as the plane took off, she rested her head on my shoulder and nodded off for most of the flight.

The beach house was incredible. It overlooked the ocean with a huge wrap-around porch including outdoor furniture and fire pits. The house was two-stories with at least 5 bedrooms, but I honestly lost count while we explored our new home for the weekend. Since we arrived well after dark, we decided to pop open some drinks and have a chill night in and order some food.

Jay arrived shortly after we did and all we sat around the outdoor fire pit, enjoying the warm weather and sound of the ocean waves. I had a lot of fun joking around and talking all night. It was fun to get to know Jay better and hear some of his crazy fan stories.

"So what's the plan for the rest of the weekend?" Anna asked when our night started winding down, I wasn't even sure what time it was.

"I was thinking we go boating and swimming, then there's a party tomorrow night, sound good?" Emma replied, yawning. We all nodded excitedly at her plan. Jay told us that they had some friends that rented another beach house just down the beach so we'd probably hang out on their boat and go to their party.

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