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The car ride was mostly silent. Emma apologized to us and told us she'd explain everything when we got to her apartment.

Noah suggested she call someone named Jay. She agreed and dialed his number before we could ask any questions. From what I heard of her conversation, she just gave him a quick recap, promising to tell him more late.

Inside, she told Noah that she planned to tell us about everything. What did that mean? What was she going to tell us? The anticipation was killing me. I don't think I've ever seen Anna quiet for so long, I'm sure she had a million more questions than I did.

It wasn't long before the six of us were sitting in the living room, getting comfortable before we hear what Noah and Emma have been alluding to.

"Hmm, where to begin..." Emma laughed with little humor to her voice. She still looked a bit shaken up, her voice quivering.

Unable to take it any longer, Anna interrupted her, "What is going on? Are you famous or something?! Who were all those people outside the school?"

Noah laughed and answered at the same time as Emma, but with different answers. Noah said "Yeah!" while Emma simply replied, "No".

We looked from Emma to Noah, not knowing what to think. Emma noticed our confusion before continuing, "Not really, I just have a lot of friends that are."

Noah jumped in before anyone else could say anything, "She's being modest. Emma is Hollywood's Angel. She is a Hollywood A-lister; everyone has heard of her... Well except you guys, I guess" he teased, "you guys really know how to knock down an ego."

"You're famous? Both of you?" David asked and Emma just nodded silently. I was having a hard time wrapping my head around what they were saying.

Emma was messing with her nails, not looking at us, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you guys. I really am. I would have told you, but when you didn't recognize me I just, I wanted a minute of something different. I wanted to get to know you guys. Ugh sorry, that sounds so cliché" Emma rambled.

Anna burst out laughing. "It's alright Emma, I'm more upset that I haven't met all these famous friends yet!" she joked. Emma looked up at her with a relieved smile. I stayed quiet, because I didn't know what to say, I had a million questions, but couldn't decide what to ask first or how to even formulate them.

David spoke up next, "So what are you guys famous for? I don't think I've seen you in movies or anything... wait have I?"

"Well, I'm a fashion designer. I've collaborated with a variety of musicians and actors on their lines and designed pieces for the Red Carpet. Emma, over here-" Noah was cut off when Emma interrupted.

"I haven't done anything really, I just have friends who are famous and the paparazzi has-" Noah jumped in, interrupting Emma this time.

"She's been in tons of music videos, fashion shows, magazines- shall I go on?" he asked her sarcastically. She sighed, shaking her head. Her cheeks were getting red and she glanced over at us to gauge our reaction.

I could almost feel the excitement radiating off Anna before she even spoke, "Sooo... You're friends with famous people? Like who? People I would know?"

Emma laughed and said, "Yeah, actually. But before we get into that, I just want to apologize again for not telling you guys. And I want to explain more about what happened today and why I didn't tell you right away, if that's okay?" We nodded and waited for her to continue.

I had a bad feeling about what was coming next. Emma sounded serious as she went on, "When Eli showed up today, I freaked out because I didn't realize that he- that they knew where I was. I... well he-" Emma stuttered looking unsure of what to say next.

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