15. Emma

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- Emma -

I was nervous about Noah meeting my school friends last week, but it went much better than I expected. I was mostly worried that he would be too possessive and say something rude. Noah was great once you got to know him, but after everything I've been through, he's very protective around my new people, especially guys. And I knew my friends wouldn't understand why he was so protective, especially since I hadn't told them much about my life before Roosevelt yet.

I was overjoyed when Noah even told me that my friends seemed nice, well in his own way. He actually said, 'I really like Anna. I'm still a little skeptical about the guys, but they seem alright.'

I was really happy that he finally got to them. My two worlds were colliding and I liked it. I think Noah was also happy to meet them too, after all the stories I told him, I'm sure he was curious as to who I had been spending all my time with.

I sighed and looked over to Noah. We were currently hanging out in our living room watching a movie and playing on our phones.

My mind wandered from the movie back to what Anna said last week at David's house. She keeps asking about me how I feel about Luke. I do like him, he's a really great friend and maybe I'd be interested, but I made a decision to stop dating for a while and it was something that I wanted to stick to, at least for a little while longer. I wasn't sure if I was emotionally stable enough to handle another boyfriend or breakup, but I was getting ahead of myself, Luke barely knew anything about me. He was just so nice and funny, and extremely good looking... I had no idea how he didn't have a girlfriend. I had to remind myself that I wasn't looking to date right now, but I just couldn't seem to get him out of my head.

After our movie ended, I got up to change for the football game and party tonight. Noah wasn't coming with me to the game, but invited my friends to pregame at our apartment beforehand. I stood in front of my closet, trying to find something to wear. I didn't want to dress up too much for the party, especially since we were going to the game first. I pulled out a few different shirts before deciding on a dark blue blouse. It had a deep-neck and short sleeves that flowed carefully around my arms, but was tighter around my sides, accentuating my waist and chest. I slipped it on and looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled at my reflection. The last time I wore it I had caught Luke staring a few seconds longer than necessary. I shook my head trying to convince myself that wasn't the reason I was wearing it tonight. I sighed and brushed through my hair one last time before saying goodbye to Noah and meeting Thomas in the lobby to drive me to the football game.

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