46. Emma

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- Emma -

I still felt like I was walking on air after my conversation with Luke the other day. Everything was finally falling into place between us. I felt so happy when I was with him. The only downside was how bad that I felt about Chloe. Even though she wasn't my favorite person, she still had feelings and I couldn't imagine that she was pleased when Luke broke up with her just days before prom.

I heard a knock at the door and got up to let Anna in. She wanted my help getting ready for prom and asked David to pick her up from my apartment before they left for the dance. I wasn't crazy about the idea, I mean, I wasn't even going for goodness sake! But Anna was my friend and I'm sure it would be fun to help her get ready for her special night.

I could have gone to the prom, a few guys from school had asked me, Noah had even offered to go with me, but I just didn't feel like it. Even though I knew Luke and Chloe were broken up and that he liked me, I didn't want to have to watch them dancing together all night. I had wanted to go to prom under different circumstances, maybe if I had the right date. I tried to think of it as another party or gala instead, which I had been to plenty of. Alternatively, I had big plans to catch up on some Netflix shows tonight.

Anna bustled through the door the minute I turned the handle. She was carrying bags, which I could only assume were filled with makeup, hair products and her dress. She looked at my yoga pants and tank top, my normal attire for lounging at home, and sighed, "You're really not going?"

I shook my head, "I told you, I'm just going to stay home tonight. But I'll help you get ready!" I offered.

I followed her into my bedroom and listened as she continued to convince me why I should come. Anna sprawled her stuff across my room and rummaged through her bags, deciding whether to work on her hair or makeup first.

I was sitting on the bed talking with Anna while she worked on her hair when I heard a knock on the front door.

"Is that David? He's like an hour early!" I warned Anna, before going to let him in.

I opened the door to see David standing behind Luke. Both boys were wearing black tuxedos and looked incredible. I was stunned for a minute and I couldn't take my eyes off of Luke.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, feeling completely confused. I didn't think that Luke and Chloe would come over too, but maybe David and Anna invited them. Sure, it would be weird, but we were all friends, I guess. "Uh, come on in." I said before either boy replied.

They stepped inside and I nervously blabbed a little more, my mind was all over the place. Was Luke really going to come over with his date? My confusion was turning into sadness that I wouldn't be joining my friends tonight, but my awkward self just kept talking, "You guys look great. Anna just got here about a half hour ago and she's still getting ready. I think she's working on her hair now. Did you guys want something to drink? I have-"

Luke cut me off, "Emma, can I talk to you?"

I nodded and walked into the kitchen with Luke, leaving David to make himself comfortable in the living room. Luke cleared his throat when we were both standing in the kitchen. I leaned my back against the cold kitchen countertop as Luke stood in front of me, smirking. What was going on?

"Emma, will you go to the prom with me?" he asked. His deep voice echoed in my ears and I'm sure my mouth hung open.

"Wha- Aren't you- What?" I sputtered, unable to form a complete sentence. Noah held up a beautiful corsage that I didn't even notice he was holding.

"Chloe is going with Andrew, and Emma, I really want to go with you" he said as he took a step towards me. I looked up at his face and felt my heartbeat pick up, like it did every time he was this close to me.

"Okay... I mean, yes" I replied quietly and watched his face light up.

I smiled at his cute reaction and filled the small space between us, placing a small kiss on his lips before pulling back, but as soon as I pulled away, I felt his hand snake around my waist keeping me close. I loved feeling his arms around me. My eyes met his and he reached one hand to cup my face. I loved when he did that. Who am I kidding, I loved everything he did. I inadvertently leaned into his hand and he brought his face closer again. This time, it wasn't just a peck. He deepened the kiss and I swear that I could feel sparks between us. I finally had to pull away before I got lost in his touch, it was so easy to get lost in him.

"I guess I should start getting ready?" I asked, my voice coming out more breathless than I intended. Luke didn't move at first, but finally nodded and released his grip around my waist. I didn't want to move away from him, but did need to get ready if I wanted to go to prom.

I scooted past Luke and shuffled towards my room, ignoring the smirk that David was throwing in my direction as I walked past. He must have been in on Luke's plan. I wonder if Anna knew too. I closed my bedroom door and leaned against it, trying to process what just happened.

"You alright?" Anna asked while working on her mascara. I could just barely see her lips twinge upwards, trying to hide a knowing smile.

"You knew" I accused and watched her smirk grow wider.

Anna turned towards me and jumped up and down, "Yes and it was so hard not to tell you! Luke thought about surprising you a few days ago and I told him that he should! I didn't think you'd mind getting ready at the last minute because you already have like a thousand beautiful dresses you could wear tonight. Are you excited?!"

"Yeah, I am. I'm still kind of in shock though?" I replied, laughing lightly.

I helped Anna with some finishing touches on her makeup and hair. I had no idea why she asked for my help though, she was more of an expert than I was. As promised, Anna helped me choose a dress after we finished her makeup. I decided on a dark blue gown. It had a V-neck and most of the back was cut out except one strip down the middle. It was form fitting and had a slit running up my leg.

"You look incredible!" Anna gushed. She had just finished working on my hair, arranging it in beautiful curls. I looked at myself in the mirror. I did love this dress and Anna did an amazing job on my hair. I looked over at Anna who was still fixing her lipstick.

"Anna, you look beautiful." I complimented, feeling thankful to have such a great friend. She turned and gave me a hug before suggesting we get our dates from the living room. I agreed, we had probably kept them waiting long enough.

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