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I zipped my jacket and got out of my car, heading towards the school. I should have worn a heavier coat, but I didn't want to accept that winter was quickly approaching. I shivered and pushed through the front doors, happy to feel a burst of warm air.

I stopped at my locker, quickly putting my books away and noticed that Emma was still at her locker putting her coat away. I shut my locker shut and walked over to her, sneaking up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Good morning," I said in her ear. I felt her lean into me and turn her head slightly to face me. I caught a glimpse of her face through her blonde locks and could tell that she was grinning. It felt so good to hold her in my arms.

"Hi Luke," she replied. She started to say something else, but paused when she saw someone stop next to us.

"Hey guys... are we interrupting?" I heard someone say next to us. I loosened my grip on Emma's waist and saw Anna and David staring at us with matching smirks.

"You guys are so cute! Why don't you just date? You're practically together already!" Anna gushed, clapping her hands and jumping in place. I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling very awkward. I moved my hands from Emma's waist and racked my brain for a response.

"We, uh, well, " I stuttered, not sure how to respond to my friends. I mean, I wanted to ask Emma out on an official date, I just didn't want to push her if she wasn't ready. I should just talk to Emma about it, and I wanted to, but it felt like much more of a private conversation than standing in the hallway right now. The bell saved my stammering and David and Anna walked the opposite way towards their class, leaving Emma and I still standing at her locker.

"Uh, I- did you..." I started to say something, but Emma gave me a small smile and took my hand, pulling me towards our history class.

"C'mon Luke. We don't want to be late," she said. She cut me off and didn't let me say anything more, but we kept our hands locked the entire way to class. Did she want me to ask her out? Then it dawned on me, she probably thought I was going to ask because Anna and David prompted it. By the time we sat down in class, I decided that I would officially ask Emma out soon, I just needed to find a good time. I was nervous, would she even say yes? I couldn't stop thinking about Emma the entire class, but tried not to look at her so it wasn't obvious. 

History class went by faster than I thought it would. Emma turned to me as the bell rang, "So what have you been daydreaming about?"

"What? I was listening..." I said, trying to sound convincing, but judging by the skeptical look on her face, I wasn't.

"I was just thinking of basketball practice starting today" I said lamely, which had also been on my mind this morning, but behind a certain blonde. 

"Oh, did you hear there is a new student?" Emma asked, as we walked into the hallway.

"Really?" I was surprised that we had two new students this year.

"Yeah, Anna told me that she was assigned to show her around. Wait... Why didn't I get anyone to show me around?" She asked, sounding jokingly offended. "Well at least I had you, I don't know what I would have done without you as my unofficial guide," she said, making me smile.

"For the record, I don't know what I'd do without you either" I said, glancing down at her now rosy cheeks.

"Awe, shucks" she said, "Well thanks for walking me to class. I'll see you at lunch, Luke" she said, giving me a final wave before walking into her classroom. I turned and walked to my next class, which thankfully wasn't too far away.

I waited in the cafeteria line behind David, who motioned towards our usual lunch table, "Who's that sitting with Anna and Emma?" 

I glanced over at Anna and Emma, who had gotten to lunch earlier than we did and luckily missed the line we were currently stuck in. I didn't recognize the girl sitting with Anna and Emma. She had long, wavy dark brown hair that contrasted with her bright pink shirt.

"That must be the new girl. Emma told me that today was her first day" I replied, paying for my food. David waited for me to finish paying and we walked towards the table together, greeting Anna and Emma. 

We sat down and Anna introduced us to her new friend, "Guys, this is Chloe! Chloe, this is Luke and my boyfriend, David." Up close, I noticed that Chloe had freckles covering her cheeks and her wavy hair spilled down her shoulders. David and I said hello and Anna continued her extended introduction, "Chloe just moved here from Ohio because of her dad's job."

"How do you like Wisconsin so far?" I asked, popping some chips into my mouth.

"It's good! Pretty similar to Ohio actually, but a little colder" she answered enthusiastically. She told us more about her hometown and it wasn't long before she asked Anna about the drama and gossip at Roosevelt. Anna could not have loved that question any more. She started telling Chloe everything going on with our classmates from all the different cliques to who was dating who. Chloe seemed pretty confident and outgoing, it was no wonder she was getting along with Anna.

David and I started talking about our basketball schedule, we weren't too interested in hearing about Anna's latest gossip for the hundredth time.

"Wait, you guys are on the basketball team? That's so cool, I love watching sports!" Chloe gushed and David and I nodded. 

Chloe continued, saying the next part to Anna and Emma "I don't play anything, but love a guy in uniform." Then looked back at us, "And I'm sure you guys are no exception" Chloe said, wiggling her eyebrows playfully. We just laughed in response, not really knowing what to say.

I glanced over at Emma, who has been uncharacteristically quiet throughout lunch. She was moving food around on her plate, I wasn't sure if she had been listening or eating since we sat down. I nudged her leg with my foot under the table. Her big eyes looked up at me and she gave me a small smile. The bell rang and we all stood up to throw out our trash. I hung back with Emma to see if she was alright, "You okay?"

"Mmhmm, I'm alright" she replied. 

I didn't have time to say anything else, as Chloe linked arms with me and asked, "Lukeie, will you show me where my next class is?"

"Uh, sure." I replied, surprised by her forwardness. I glanced back at Emma, we usually walked to our next class together, but I didn't see her standing beside me anymore. She must have left for her next class already. 

"My next class is history," Chloe informed me, her arm still linked through mine. I was a little uncomfortable, I didn't know Chloe well, I mean I had just met her. I showed her where the history room was, then headed towards my class. 

I didn't see Emma the rest of the day, I started to worry when she wasn't in Chemistry last hour. I thought she might have had another meeting with her lawyers, but didn't remember her mentioning it so I decided to text her after class ended to make sure she was okay. She replied to my text almost immediately and she was just tired and went home early to take a nap. I was skeptical at her response, but didn't push her further. She wished me luck at our first basketball practice and told me to let her know how it went. Her genuine thoughtfulness made me smile. I sent her a final text before putting my phone in the gym locker and heading onto the court. 

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