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I got to school late the next day, I was up all night wondering who the guy was that drove Emma home yesterday. I was going to ask her about it, I even texted her, but didn't want to sound jealous, so we just ended up texting about other things.

By the time lunch finally rolled around I was starving. I was already halfway through my burger when Emma and David sat down at our table.

"Sooo Emma...." Anna started and I looked up from my burger wondering where she was going with the suspicious tone of her voice. Emma cautiously looked up from her phone too, waiting for Anna to continue. "Who was that hottie you went home with last night? Your boyfriend?" Anna finished. I glanced at Emma, who's eyes widened at Anna's question.

"I- uh, he's just a friend from California. I told you that I'm not dating right now." Emma responded.

"You two looked pretty friendly..." David coaxed, "How long is he in town for?"

Emma shifted in her seat, "Yeah, we're pretty close and he actually moved here too."

"He moved here? To be with you? Is this the crazy ex-boyfriend?!" Anna asked determinedly. Emma looked more uncomfortable with each question.

"I do have a crazy ex, but it's definitely not him" Emma muttered. She let out a big sigh and said a little louder, "We're just friends! And I actually have to make a call before class, so I'll see you guys later" she said, grabbing her stuff, including her barely touched lunch, and left the cafeteria.

"That was weird." Anna muttered focusing back on her lunch.

David and I got to school early the next day. We were standing outside the school steps when a familiar black car pulled up. The windows were slightly tinted, but I could tell Emma was in the passenger seat. I could see Emma start to get out of the car, when a hand pulled her back. She turned back to talk to whoever was driving, which I assumed was the mystery guy from last night, before getting out of the car. David must have noticed my distraction. He grabbed my arm and said a quick bye to the guys as we walked over to where Emma had met up with Anna at the other side of the stairwell.

I let out a big breath when I saw Emma; she was wearing my away jersey, matching the home jersey that I currently had on. I had no idea how she could look so beautiful in my jersey, which was about 3 times too big on her.

"Luke?" I blinked a few times, realizing that I had been staring, "Do I look alright?" Emma asked looking down at her outfit. I must have been zoned out for too long.

"Yeah, yeah. You, um, look really nice in my jersey" I smiled at her and could feel my cheeks heat up. You look nice in my jersey? Was it just me or was that a weird thing to say? I ran a hand through my hair, feeling a little embarrassed.

Anna nudged Emma and handed over her phone, "Take a picture of us?"

Emma took Anna's phone and snapped a few photos of Anna and David in their matching jerseys.

"Now you two" Anna instructed, pointing at Emma and I.

"Uh, sure" I complied, putting an arm around Emma's waist.

"Ready man?" David asked just minutes before the game started. It felt so good to be back on the field. I scanned the bleachers for any familiar faces, I saw Anna and Emma cheering in the student section and my parents waving at me from the next bleacher over.

The game went by quickly, I couldn't believe it was almost over. We were barely winning. We had the ball with almost no time on the clock, I panicked and channeled my inner Aaron Rodgers, praying that this would work. I threw a Hail Mary down the field hoping David could pull this off. David caught my pass and dodged a few Westfield Warriors, marking the pass complete and giving us the winning touchdown.

The whole team rushed onto the field cheering loudly. I found David and praised him for his good catch. The excitement on the field finally died down, but our adrenaline was still rushing. David and I started jogging towards the sideline where the fans were coming down from the bleachers. We spotted Anna and Emma stepping onto the field. I saw David sprinting towards them. He ran up to Anna and picked her up in a big hug, spinning her around. When he finally put her down he didn't hesitate for more than a second before leaning in to kiss her. I almost stopped in my tracks; I was so surprised by my best friends. When he pulled away I could see both their faces trying to cover their huge grins as they remembered where they were.

David and Anna both still seemed a little dazed, and Emma even looked surprised by David's show of affection as well. She glanced over at me as I came nearer.

"Good game! That was awesome!" she congratulated me. I threw my arms around Emma and lifted her off the ground too, but without the dramatic spin, my adrenaline was still pumping. She squealed a bit in surprise, but grinned up at me as I put her back on the ground. She looked so good in my jersey. I realized how close we were standing, after our hug I put her down right in front of me so our chests were barely touching. God, she was so beautiful. I didn't realize that we were just standing staring at each other until David cleared his throat.

"Soooo, should we go celebrate with some ice cream at ColdStone?" he suggested.

I snapped out of my gaze and pulled my arms away, not even realizing that I still had my arms around her waist, trapping her in front of me. Should I have kissed her? Should I have made a grand gesture like David did? No. She wasn't interested in dating and we were just friends. It just felt so right to hold her close. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the locker rooms, planning to meet our friends back in the parking lot after we changed.

The line was long as we waited to get some ice cream. I waved at Jack and Samantha who had already gotten their ice cream and were saving a table for us.

"What's your favorite flavor?" Emma asked, looking at them all through the glass.

"Definitely Rocky Road. What about you?" I replied automatically.

"Hm, I don't know, I think I'll get the Birthday Cake." Emma said.

Anna and David still seemed in their own world, I'd have to ask him later if this meant that they were officially dating yet. After we ordered our ice cream, David paid for this and Anna's, as I knew he would, and I tried to subtly step in front of Emma so I could pay for hers. I saw her get out her wallet as we neared the cash register.

"I got it, Emma." I said.

She looked up at me, "Oh no, it's okay! Thanks though!" She tried to argue, but I was quicker with the cashier. She let out a little sigh, but thanked me nonetheless. We joined our friends at the back table, listening to Jack tell some crazy story about his older brother. Jack always had endless stories and they were all so funny.

We stayed at ColdStone talking for a few hours before deciding it was time to head home. I was hoping to drive Emma home again, but Anna was adamant that she could drive her instead. I think Anna just wanted to talk about her kiss with David though.

We split into our separate cars, at least now I'd be able to question David about tonight, "So you and Anna?"

David shifted in his seat, "Oh uh, yeah. I don't really know." He laughed uncomfortably.

"What do you mean? It's obvious that you like her. I mean you kissed her tonight!" I just about shouted at him.

He sighed, "Yeah, I do like her. I just don't want to ruin our friendship and I hate saying that out loud because it sounds so fucking cheesy" he laughed, shaking his head.

"Well I think she likes you too, if that makes you feel any better. She didn't stop smiling at you all night." I assumed him.

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