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I was surprised that my parents were on board with our trip to Chicago for the Jay Scratch concert. They did ask how much the tickets cost, but I told them that Emma got them for free. I assumed that they thought she won them or something because they didn't ask any more questions, for that I was grateful.

I got a text from Emma that said she was on her way to pick me up. I grabbed my overnight bag and looked in the mirror one last time before heading downstairs. Emma told us that we should dress up a little for the after-party. I decided on a button down shirt and dark jeans; I hoped it looked okay. I ran down the stairs and said goodbye to my parents who were helping Catherine get ready for her swimming lessons.

I was surprised to see a limo parked in front of my house. I think my mouth was still open in shock as Thomas graciously put my bag in the trunk. I hopped in the backseat, only to see that David and Anna had already been picked up. Emma told us that Noah would meet us later tonight. Anna quickly took over the music and played Jay Scratch songs most of the trip, but I wasn't complaining. It was a good way to get excited for the show.

"You look nice, Luke," Emma commented, making me feel better about my outfit choice.

"Thanks, you do too" I replied and I really meant it. Emma was wearing a tight sequin dress that hit all her curves perfectly. The dress stopped mid-thigh, showing so much skin and making her legs look incredibly long. I had to consciously remind myself not to stare.

About halfway there, Thomas announced that Noah was calling.

"Thanks Tom! Can you put him through on Bluetooth?" Emma asked.

A moment later, the music stopped and we heard Noah's voice through the speakers instead, "Hey Em!"

"Hi, you're on speaker in the car!" Emma told him.

"Hey guys, are you excited for tonight?" he asked. We all replied at the same time, causing him to laugh through the phone.

"I'll meet you guys backstage after the concert and we can go over to the Lux together. How are you feeling Em?"

I assumed Lux was where the party was.

"Um, I'm alright. A little nervous, but I'm glad I have all my friends here" she replied. Those words might have sounded cheesy out of anyone else's mouth, but Emma made them sound genuine.

"Did you stop for dinner?" Noah asked.

"I'm not very hungry yet, I had a big lunch today" she replied while scrolling through her phone. I looked over at her, wondering why she was lying to Noah. Emma didn't eat anything for lunch, I remember she told us that she had a big breakfast and wasn't hungry then either.

I heard Noah sigh from the other end of the line, "You guys should stop for dinner soon, I'm sure everyone is hungry. Emma, can I talk to you privately?"

Emma sighed and closed her eyes for a minute. She looked a little frustrated, but picked up her phone anyway. I couldn't make out what Noah and Emma were talking about when she took him off speaker, but she didn't look too thrilled with their conversation and gave pretty short one-word answers.

"Noah says bye", she muttered to us after she hung up. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and she shrugged when she saw my face.

"Everything okay?" I asked her quietly.

"Yeah, I'll be okay. It's just that I haven't really made a public appearance since everything happened last year. So I'm a little nervous, but I'm also excited to see Jay and Ari and some other friends" Emma said.

Her nerves must have been why she wasn't hungry. A few minutes later Emma asked what we wanted for dinner, I guess Noah got through to her that she should eat something. We stopped at a little diner a few miles away; it was fast, but still pretty filling. Thomas ate with us and told some pretty cool stories about people he's driven and embarrassing ones about Noah and Emma getting too drunk.

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