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I woke up with a pounding in my head. I groaned and opened my eyes a little, wishing it was darker in my room. Wait, where was I? My eyes snapped open in confusion, which did not help my headache and the memories from last night came flooding back to me. Emma was practically laying on top of me, my arms wrapped around her small body. I smiled down at her. She groaned a little and snuggled closer to me. I heard her whisper, "My head hurts."

"Same" I replied quietly, not having enough strength to say anything else. We laid together for a while longer, trying to go back to sleep and enjoying each other's company, well as much as we could with the hangover pounding in my head.

Emma's phone beeped a few times, she groaned as she reached over to see who was texting her.

"Anna and David are going out for breakfast, she wants to try this waffle place and see the city." she relayed.

"Okay..." I replied unenthusiastically, I didn't really feel like getting up for breakfast.

"Did you want to go with them?" she asked hesitantly.

"Only if you do" I answered vaguely.

She bit her lip and looked back at her phone. "I don't really want to go, I'm so hungover. Did you, maybe, just want to order room service and watch TV?" she asked like she had read my mind.

"That sounds amazing," I told her.

She grabbed a menu from the nightstand and dialed room service, ordering a bunch of food while I flipped on the TV. After she hung up the phone she scooted towards me and leaned against my side. I put my arm around her shoulders and gently pulled her even closer. Flipped through the channels and stopped on Friends so we could watch reruns. I almost forgot that Emma wasn't wearing any pants until I felt her bare leg touch mine. I hoped that her head resting against my chest couldn't hear my erratic heartbeat. I couldn't have been more relieved when room service knocked on our door a few minutes later.

Emma hopped off the bed to answer the door and I accidentally caught a glimpse of her lace underwear peeking out from under her shirt when Emma stood up. I tried to avert my eyes and instead focused on the TV as she walked across the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her pause before opening the door and look down at her outfit.

"Uh- I didn't realize that I wasn't wearing any shorts under your shirt... Would you mind if I put these on?" she asked sheepishly, picking up my extra pair of athletic shorts from the top of my bag that I tried to give her last night. I glanced over at her and couldn't help but notice how alluring she looked wearing just my shirt.

"Yeah, of course." I answered. She quickly pulled on my shorts and brought in our breakfast. Emma had ordered a bunch of different food, waffles, omelets, bacon, sausage, fruit and croissants. She thankfully left my shorts on the rest of the morning, I was getting too distracted by her bare legs.

It was a perfect morning; we ate breakfast in bed, watched TV, and joked around, although it would have been even better if we weren't hungover. I couldn't imagine what my parents would have said if they knew I was at a luxury hotel in bed with Emma. I was glad they hadn't asked too many questions about the trip, assuming that as long as David came long, it would be fine. They always had a soft spot for my best friend.

I was having such a nice morning that I was almost disappointed when Anna and David called and asked if we were ready to head home.

Thomas dropped me off at home a few hours later. I was finally starting to feel better, but still didn't feel like doing anything so I plopped down on my couch. My parents were out running errands with my little sister, while Sarah was up in her room.

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