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It was Friday night and I had to leave soon to pick up David. We were meeting Anna and Emma at the movie theater. I wasn't even sure what movie we were going to see, it was one that Anna chose. I checked over my outfit one last time in the mirror. I had decided on a dark green plaid button-up shirt and dark jeans. I told my parents where I was going and grabbed my keys, heading over to David's house.

The girls were already there when David and I arrived at the theater, so we joined them in line to pick up the tickets that Anna had reserved.

Emma was busy texting, leaving me to listen to Anna talk about how excited she was for the movie. Don't get me wrong, I like Anna. She's actually one of my closest friends, but sometimes I couldn't keep up with her constant talking. I mean, I could barely get a word in! I glanced over to Emma, who was still busy on her phone. Who was she texting?

We took our seats in the theater and I mentally groaned as I took the aisle seat with David to my right. I was hoping to sit next to Emma. It's not that I was going to make a move or anything, especially now that I know she isn't interested in dating, but I just like being near her.

The lights dimmed, I looked over at my friends when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I caught David reaching for Anna's hand in the dark theater. I smirked at how sly they thought they were. I caught Emma's eye across the row. She raised her eyebrows and smirked, as if secretly saying that she saw their little interaction as well.

The movie ended and we headed outside. Emma excused herself to make a quick phone call before we left. Her parents must be pretty protective, making her call and text them so often. Anna went to the bathroom, leaving just David and myself waiting for the girls before we headed home.

"Hey man, uh, I think Anna's going to give me a ride. Would you mind driving Emma home?"

"Yes! Sure, yeah." I tried not to sound too eager, but was excited to hang out with Emma and that way David could have some alone time with Anna.

"Thanks Luke, I owe you one. I'll see you on Monday" David replied. I waved goodbye to him and Anna as they scurried off towards the parking lot.

Emma came back a few seconds later, "Hey, where did David and Anna go?"

I gave her a pointed look, "They took off together."

She laughed and shook her head, "Ahh, I should have guessed. They looked pretty cozy during the movie. Could you give me a ride home?"

I nodded and we walked towards my car.

"So what did you think of the movie?" I asked Emma as she climbed into my car.

She looked at me hesitantly and said, "I liked it! I know it was cheesy, but I thought it was good! You probably didn't like it, did you?" I looked over at her trying not to smile, how did she already know me so well?

"It wasn't my favorite, but it was still good." I replied. Emma nodded understandingly and I asked, "So are you still planning to try out for soccer?"

"I think I will, but I'm nervous. I haven't really played on a team before. Anna and I are planning to practice together a little tomorrow."

"I'm sure you'll do great! I can't wait to come to your games." I replied.

"Thanks! And speaking of games, are you excited for your first football game next week?" she asked.

"Yeah, I am! The team is going to be really good this year. Are you going to come?" I glanced at her out of the corner of my eyes when I stopped at a red light.

She nodded, "Of course! I'm excited, I've never been to a football game before!"

I accidentally jerked the car a little, "What?! You've never been to a football game?"

Football was such a big deal at our school and in our community that I couldn't believe she had never been to a game.

"It wasn't really a big thing where I lived and I never got into it. I mean we watched the NFL on TV, but my old high school didn't have a football team." She shrugged it off and told me to turn up ahead.

Her directions led me past the movie theater and before long we pulled up in front of La Moderne Apartments. They were some of the nicest apartments in town and towered over all the other buildings downtown.

"Wow, I've heard these are cool apartments. Does your family like it?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's really nice. My parents aren't around often, they're usually traveling." she replied casually.

"Are you going to be okay alone?" I asked. I wonder how long her parents are gone for, but don't want to pry.

She gave me a small smile as she got out of the car, "I'll be alright, thank you Luke. See you on Monday?"

"Yeah. Goodnight, Emma." I said watching her walk away.

I sat in front of her apartment building until she gave me a final wave and walked through the lobby doors.

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