Chapter 24

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Before Namjoon's hand could come down to knock on the door, a hand covered his mouth as more bodies dragged him away. He was struggling, trying to get a grip of the floor but it was a futile effort. His scream was muffled. As he got further away from the door, he felt his chest tightening and his lungs begging for air. The men were strong, Namjoon saw that they wore black with gold engravings of a Snake. They must be from Silver Stone, he thought, and his mother must have sent them to take him because he was taking too long to come to her. He thought for a second about giving in, and letting them take him, it would be an easy ending. But his mind was filled with thoughts of you. Your body would surely disappear along with his, and that's something he couldn't allow to happen. So he fought once again, elbowing one man in the face and kicking the others in the stomach. They fumbled back, but quickly got back on their feet. Namjoon noticed that they didn't have any weapons, presumably because they could risk hurting the Madam's son. Namjoon took that as a blessing and began fighting with all his strength.

"Namjoon?" you called out. Nothing except the twinkling stars.

"What's going on?" Lady Park asked. You stared into the vacancy saying nothing. Unable to feel him near, you dashed outside, scanning the perimeter for any sign of him. You could still smell the musk, a fragrance that was so him and that you wanted more of. Clouds filled your vision as you ran through the corridors, yelling out his name. Lady Park, unsure of what was happening, ran after you. A commotion could be heard behind an empty structure. You both found Namjoon, beaten and bruised against a group of masked men. You suppress your scream, trying to find the best way to help him. It would be best to go look for Commander Jeon, but there was no time to lose. With that, you grabbed a wooden log meant for fire and ran towards the danger. Lady Park gasped, and hid herself behind the wall.

Namjoon thought his dream had consumed him when he saw you, but when he realized it was real, he was terribly angry. "You idiot, what are you doing?" he screamed as you joined his side. The shock from the attack sheltered you from the fact that he dropped his formality towards you and called you an idiot.

"What does it look like? I'm helping you." you yelled back.

"You don't know what you're doing. You're going to get hurt." he nagged. He would never forgive himself if there was even a scratch on your body because of him. For you, he would take all the pain.

You held your ground, staring the men down. "I don't care. I do know what I'm doing and that's helping you." The strangers, who grew annoyed with the exchanged, charged forward. You raised your log and hit one on the side of his neck, causing him to fall down. "See, I did it!" you exclaimed.

"Look out!" Namjoon yelled. Then his body covered yours as a man landed a kick on Namjoon's back. His body fell on yours, his breath staggering dangerously.

You held his shoulders tightly. You tried to push him behind you, but he was insistent on taking on the challenge."Namjoon!"

"Run now while you can." he whispered. His soft eyes grew cold and tired, his cheeks were purple and swollen. It broke your heart.

"I'm not leaving you!" you cried. There were more things you wanted to tell him, things you wanted to do with him when this is all over, and the end was near. "I don't ever want to leave you."

"Y/N," he called out gently. He didn't want you to leave either. There were things he needed you to know. The masked men exchanged looks with each other, then nodded. They pulled something out of their pocket and tossed it at your feet. It was a fragrance pouch, similar to the one you made Seokjin, the one Namjoon has near his heart. It exuded a silver smoke, the smell was intoxicating. Namjoon was the first to collapse due to his physical state.

"Namjoon, wake up!" you yelled. "Wake up..." Your own body was feeling light, like a left swaying in the wind. You struggled to keep your eyes open. The men walked forward. "You are not taking him from me." you growled. Though your body felt weak, you held the stick up in one hand as the other held Namjoon's body. He had always protected you, now it was your turn.

"Oh, we didn't plan on just taking him." one of them answered with amusement in his voice. That was when you understood they had wanted to take you too, and you had stepped into their trap.

"Who are you people? And where are you taking us?"

"We're taking the Prince back to her Majesty." he answered.

Prince, you thought. Since Madam Li is royalty, and Namjoon is her son, it only made sense for him to be a prince. But it was so twisted, you didn't want Namjoon to go back there, but it was the only way to save him from the curse. Only his mother could break it, right? No, the curse said a confession of love. And you were certain that's what you're feeling right now for him. You could break the curse. But before you could open your mouth, your body hit the ground instead. I love you.

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