Chapter 28

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As expected from the sewer system, nothing was pretty. You managed to hold your breath the whole way as the three of you made your way through the filth that went up close to your chest. If your mother ever sees you like this or even hears about this, she would make you soak in tea tree for a week. But if your grandmother could see you, she would tell you to keep going. And you would, because someone important is waiting for you.

With multiple kicks, the top sewer door opened. Lady Park and the witch gave you a boost and you let the fresh air rush through your nose to your lungs. But it was no time to stop. You helped the other two up, and waited for them to catch their breath. Everything around you was foreign. Despite being the same country as the Kingdom of Sacred Skies, Silver Stone was another realm. The architecture wasn't like anything you've seen. The color palette was red and black. Black snakes were engraved everywhere. It was more like a lair rather than a palace.

After scouring around the perimeter, you all found a spot behind the kitchen where you could clean yourself up. You felt bad for whoever was cooking right now, but that's none of your concern.

"Alright, what's the plan now?" the witch asked.

"I assume you would know where Madam Li will keep Namjoon, right?" you asked. You really hadn't thought of a plan, you didn't really think the sewer plan would actually work.

She thought about it for a second, taking a look at the sky. "He's probably in the quarter she built for him when he was born. He should be there, unless she has done something to him."

Your heart was pounding, you did not want to imagine the kind of torture his mother would put him through. "Then lead the way, please." you begged.

Wait," Lady Park spoke up. "We can't go out in these clothing. We'll be discovered right away."

"You're right," you sighed. "But where are we going to get clothes to change?"

A group of maids in simple red and black hanbok appeared from one of the rooms. They were giggling, most likely gossiping about the palace drama. "He's so handsome." one of them said out loud. "If only I could be his bride." The girl blushed and continued walking away.

"Sssh," another one said, "Don't let the Madam hear you, or else she'll rip your tongue out."

"I know. But it's so fortunate that I got assigned to his quarter, I'll get to see him everyday, and maybe help him change." You couldn't help but pout, feeling an uneasiness washing over you. Your body moved automatically, it told you you needed to fight them, to assert some kind of dominance or possession of Namjoon. You couldn't understand what the feeling was. Before you got far, the witch had glided over to the group of maids. They shrieked upon seeing her eyes, then they fell.

You and Lady Park rushed over, "Calm down, they're not dead. They'll be out for a little bit."

"Thank you," you said. The witch huffed and looked away, but she liked the gratitude. You dragged the bodies back inside the room where they came from and began exchanging clothes. Lady Park braided your hair to match their style. It had been a while since you were back in a regular hanbok. You had been wearing commoner clothing since the start of the trip. The witch put on glamour to disguise her appearance. You wondered why she couldn't have done that in the first place for all three of you.

"My magic is limited right now." she explained without you asking.

Once back outside, you tried to blend into the background and kept your head low. The witch led you two through the maze of gardens and corridors. As you got near the quarter, there were more maids and guards. You could hear some of their conversations.

"I think the Commander of Sacred Skies is planning a war against us for taking the prisoners."

"Does he think he can beat out cannons and guns?" the other guard laughed.

"Who knows what those idiots are thinking. They're outside the gates right now with less than a hundred men."

Lady Park's body visibly winced. Yo noticed that she was breathing deeply to keep herself from crying. She must also be worried about her lover. "You need to warn him about the guns." you leaned over to tell her.

"But how?"

"I can find Namjoon from here. Take the witch with you and she can help you get to them, right?"

"Yes. I have gained most of my strength back." she nodded.

"Then that settles it, once we get past the gate above, we'll split up." The plan sounded more like child's play than anything plausible, considering a group of guards above had caught sight of something suspicious with the three maids. They walked closer, their weapons ready. Iron, you saw, the witch's weakness.

"Hey, where do think you're going?" one of them shouted.

"To the prince's quarter. Madam Li ordered us to bring some new robes to him." the witch answered confidently.

The guard raised his eyebrow,"Really? Then where are the robes?" he asked.

The three of you panicked. The witch chuckled, then lowered her head. "Get ready to run, my lady."


She threw something at the ground, and an explosion broke out. The fume blinded the guards, and the witch grabbed Lade Park's hand and ran away. It was your cue to also escape the mess. You headed straight for the first door you could find, which lead you to a hallway.

"Namjoon!" you called out. Up ahead, you saw a hallway with two doors, one of which was gold but there were no servants outside like there had been for Empress Wei. It must be his, you thought. Pushing the door back, a smile appeared on your face, one that you thought would never happen again. 

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