Chapter 39

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Namjoon's mind was somewhere else. It's been like that throughout the afternoon. In fact, he had been spaced out ever since your mother gave him that unpleasant answer. It was starting to get to him more than he could have ever imagined. He figured it would take much convincing for Madam Song to give her blessing, she was even hesitant when Madam Kim proposed the idea of you and Seokjin getting married. But he didn't think she would say no in this manner. Guess being a prince wasn't as beneficial as he was expecting. It wasn't a matter of wealth or social standing, it never was, it all dependent on how well the person can take care of her daughter. That, Namjoon was certain, he was the only one that could carry out such a duty.

You saw that he was in a deep thought, stumbling on his steps and eyes looking into the unknown. But he was still here, his hand gripping yours. When you saw that his head was stuck in gloomy clouds during lunch, you asked him to accompany you on a walk in the courtyard while Lady Park showed your parents around the palace.

"Are you alright, Your Highness?" you asked. He didn't hear you, instead, kept on walking while you stood back. With your hands attached, it didn't take long for his body to be yanked back to you. "Namjoon," you said again, chuckling, "Are you alright?"

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, "I am sure this isn't how you want our afternoon to be spent." It was rare for him to not be in his room, reading through policies and dealing with public affairs. Being with you now was like giving him fresh air.

"I don't care," you stated, "As long as I am with you, I am in absolute bliss." He could suppress his grin and stood in front you properly to caress your face. "I love you, and I am not going anywhere."

"I love you too" he answered. "And I want to give you a proper title in this palace."

"I really appreciate that, I truly do. But I do need a title for me to know that you love and only me."

"I am very glad of that. But still, it's been my dream to have you as my wife." he whispered, his cheeks blushed at the word. Seeing him flustered made your heart leap, this was what it feels like to have someone devoted to you, and wanted to be with you. For long you thought you were the chaser, turned out, you were the one running away from the person would give you true love and happiness.

"And I too want to be your wife. I didn't think my mother would say that to you. I'm sorry."

"My Y/N, you have nothing to be sorry for. Your mother is right. I mean, there is no way on Earth I would cast you aside, you will always be a priority, but I have other people who will depend on me as well."

"I know, and I will never ask you to make that choice. I am content with being with you just like this."

"Still," Namjoon ponder, "there must be something I can do to get her blessing. She said she can't give it to me right now, but I cannot just wait around."

You nodded, also thinking of ways to win your mother over. While Madam Song isn't a demanding person, she does have high standards, especially regarding her daughter's future husband. "I know." you exclaimed.

Namjoon jerked his head up, "What is it? Tell me."

"My mother likes to cook, and she likes to eat good food."

Namjoon nodded eagerly,"Okay, and?"

You rolled your eyes playfully, Namjoon had always been smart and diligent when it came to politics and fighting, but he was terrible at common sense. "You should cook her a meal."

"Me? Cooking?" he asked in astonishment. The word felt foreign to him.

"If you can show her that you're capable of providing me with a meal, she'll see that you can take care of me for the rest of our lives." you explained. It was the best plan at the moment, full-proof.

"I think you are giving me too much credit," Namjoon remarked. "Did you forget how I burned the pot trying to make porridge for the boy in the market?"

"How could I forget that? You took the pot from my house." you laughed. You thought back to when he asked you, you thought he was trying to impress some girl in the market because he seemed nervous. But it made you happier that he was just helping out the sick son of a merchant. Though he should have asked you to do the cooking instead. The poor boy got better, no thanks to the poor food.

"In my defense, you let me borrow it, which was your mistake in the first place." he pointed out.

"Alright fine, but do not worry, I will be there with you. To make sure you don't burn down the very nice palace kitchen." Together, the two of you made your way to said kitchen, where palace maidens were busy with tonight's dinner. When they saw the Prince and princess-to-be, they bowed.

Namjoon cleared his throat, "Proceed with your work, but I would like to cook dinner for Lady Song's parents tonight." The maidens giggled, envied that a handsome prince would do anything for you, and showed you two to a vacant station near the back. And while they tried to get back to their work, they couldn't help but spy on the couple to see what the Prince was going to do. They all wished that they were in your place, anyone would melt at the way Namjoon looks at you. You couldn't get used to his gaze, but at the same time, you couldn't get enough. 

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