Chapter 4

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Just as the sun emerged from behind the mountains, Namjoon was already walking the streets of the markets. It was his second favorite place in the world, a place where he truly felt belonged. The merchants took him in as their own, and some even envied him for being associated with one of the most prestigious houses in the land. And since Seokjin was with his uncle, there was nothing else Namjoon could do. Madam Kim would much rather he be out on the streets than near her.

The place seemed even livelier, much more than usual. Merchants bunched up in groups and talked amongst themselves. Colors draining from their faces. Namjoon wondered what was going on. The war had stopped and the economy was doing well, there shouldn't be anything to worry about. Someone then yanked on Namjoon's sleeve. He recognized her as the daughter of the fisherman down the street. Her mouth was slightly open. She sheepishly let go of his sleeve.

"Is everything alright, Minji?" At the sound of her name, the young girl's cheek burned red. Namjoon could tell as much that she fancied him. He was attentive to her stares whenever he was around.

"A-appa wanted you to eat breakfast with us." she answered quietly.

"Oh, alright. Let's go then." Minji led the way, and occasionally and not so discreetly, she would steal glances at the man behind her. She couldn't wait to tell her sisters that she finally worked up the courage to go talk to the handsome guard to the Kim's family.

Fisherman Min was by his dock, he was preparing for the day's work. It would be a long day, but he had to do it for the sake of his daughters and late wife. He heard footsteps approaching and spun around, delighted to see that it was Namjoon. Ever since Namjoon was younger, he had acquainted himself with many of the merchants. It was more like they would feed him any scraps they could find. Even living one of the wealthiest houses of the land, Madam Kim never liked feeding Namjoon. Namjoon felt most fond of the fisherman, for his foul mouth but also his candid view of the world.

"Thank you for inviting me to breakfast." Namjoon said.

"Breakfast eh? That's a new one." he said slyly, glancing over at his daughter who was giggling hysterically with her sisters. He will have to tease her about it later. It would be a dream come true if somehow Namjoon became his son-in-law, but that was too good to be true. Namjoon was destined for great things, the fisherman knew, somewhere away from this place. "Let's go inside."

Minji sat a little closer to Namjoon than usual, she must have gathered all her courage, but there were still a few feet of space between them. "The town seems on edge, what's going on?" Namjoon asked.

"Surprised you didn't know about it living in that big house." the other man chuckled. "But I guess talks of drugs wouldn't be included in aristocrats' houses."

"Drugs? What do you mean sir?" Namjoon asked with growing concerns. He loved the people in this town, some more than others, and he wanted them all to be safe.

"I don't what them Lords are calling it, but around here, it's called the black sand. People get addicted to it and then blood spill out of them a few days later." he explained, throwing hand gestures in the air. Minji, along with her other sisters, shivered in fear and disgust.

"That's awful," Namjoon commented, feeling his own body going into shock. "Where is it coming from?"
"Where else? That dreadful woman. Madam Li."

Madam Li was the royalty of Silver Stone. The city, completely free of the kingdom's rule, was the Madam's safe haven. Her people built her a palace and made her their empress based on her prestige lineage. The city produced most of the country's silver, hence the name, and Madam Li has used that as leverage for many negotiations with the Kingdom of Sacred Skies. Namjoon heard plenty about the woman and how wicked she is. He could only wonder why one woman could be so cruel.

The commotion outside disrupted the meal, all heads turned to the source of the sound. It came from an older man, who was seemingly on his last breath. Namjoon ran to the man but the fisherman caught his arm. "He's been infected by the sand, don't go near him or you die as well."

Namjoon frowned. "I have to help him, maybe he can be saved." He turned to a very flustered Minji. "Go get Lord Song, now." On command, she ran so fast that she disappeared within seconds. Namjoon pulled his headband over his nose and ran to the man. He was not flat on the ground, barely conscious. His skin was green like Pandang leaves and he reeked of death. Blood was flowing out of his nose.

Lord Song came into view with his medicine bag. It was something that Namjoon admired about the man. He will save everyone, no matter if they have money or not. Lord Song nodded at Namjoon and began examining the man. His face already saying that it was bad news. "The drug had infiltrated his blood too deeply. There's nothing that can cure him now." he said calmly.

"My Lord, there has to be something else, maybe some herbs." Namjoon said desperately.

"I know you want to save him, and I'm sorry that there's nothing I can do."

"Please don't apologize to me, I'm not worthy of it." Namjoon answered, staring down at his feet. It was ingrained in him from Madam Kim to never look at any nobleman in the eyes. It was a sign of disrespect. Lord Song placed a hand on Namjoon's shoulder.

"You've made contact with him, I'll send someone over to deliver some remedies. Don't worry, you'll be fine." And then he left. The man on the ground also long gone, only his body and blood remained. 

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