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It was her wedding day and Amirah had tried avoiding having 'the talk' with her mother but, Hajiya found her and dragged her to her bedroom."Toh Amirah, you are not a kid and I really shouldn't even say more regarding this issue of marriage, you've seen enough failed marriage as it is, from Halima's son, Lawal to the one we are trying to resolve between Adnan and Samha but your brother has refused to come home. All I want you to know is that marriage is all about patience.
As a woman, try to be patient with your husband, guide his secret as thou yours, since you like running your mouth anyhow, I have to warn you, men are a breed of different species, egotistical and very prideful. We women have to always remember our husbands are our king, be ready to bow to him when the need arises, men hate to be wrong so do not hesitate to agree to be at fault even when you know you aren't." Amirah bowed her head listening carefully and acting as if she wasn't utterly bored and was hating every second of this conversation.
"You have a power over your husband, wield it to your favor wisely, there might come a time in your life where you'll share him with another woman. I don't wish that for you but if it comes, use your head, be cunning and show her who's more powerful, put her in her place which is second, after you comes her, show her you are first, let her know you were there before her and that you are more powerful."
Amirah's head snapped up at Hajiya's utterance.
Hajiya sneered, "yes I am talking about I and Halima, if I had not stood up and proven to her who was here first, I'd have been the one outside the main house, peeping rather than looking, whispering rather than talking and tip-toeing rather than walking care-freely. Be guided and alert, prayers work but sometimes you have to take some drastic measures to keep your home. I was young and naive and that is why Halima even got into this home to start with so if you sense anything you do not like, don't hesitate to tell me and not that Khadijah girl, what does she know? Now that you are married, I expect you to let go of that girlish friendship you both have, you are now a woman, you should be surrounded by married women as friends so as to enable you learn one or two things."
Amirah had long decided into this talk that Hajiya was crazy and had no idea what she was even saying, so she wasn't even listening to heed to any of the advices her mother was dishing out.
"Lastly, be always ready for your husband, stop being lazy Amirah, you are now a woman, you now have a home and a husband, sleeping all the time isn't what you should be doing, the transformation from being a girl into a woman is a huge moment in every female's life, I congratulate you. I've said mine and I can only talk, I can't make you listen but if you know what is good for you, you will."
"Thank you Hajiya, I've heard you and I'll try my best to do as you've said." Amirah said glad that the conversation was over.
"If you like don't do your best, oho! It's not me that will be crying when my husband no longer comes back home to me. Anyways, I have some things to give you."
Amirah watched carefully as Hajiya went into her wardrobe and brought out a white polythene bag, she placed the leather ontop her bed and began to bring out the contents under the watchful eyes of Amirah."These are the kayan mata I got specially for you." Amirah's eyes widened at this, Hajiya didn't seem to notice her daughter's reaction or rather, she chose to ignore it as she busied herself trying to decipher which from which and when she did, she continued,
"This one is vagina tightner, from the name you already know what it does but if you want me to elaborate..."Amirah immediately interrupted, "No! No! Hajiya what's all this haba?"
"DanAllah-please keep shut! What do you know? It seems you are ready to lose Muhammad, well me I'm not ready to lose face in front of my friends, it's better he ends up like Taheer rather than him divorcing you."
Spiritual"Love isn't enough to make a relationship work, I had to learn that the hard way." Set in the heart of the north, Kano state and the heart of the country, Lagos state. Amirah hails from the typical hausa home and is considered to be the typica...