5: Ming Wangye, Feng Zhenying

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Chapter 5: Ming Wangye, Feng Zhenying

In the morning, Zexel woke up early. She wakes up her three maids and lets them prepare her daily routine. After a while, she escapes from her courtyard and brings some banknotes for her to do her plan.

She rents a carriage and went on the noble marketplace. She even buys a lot and stores place there as she rent an interior designer. She even draws how did she want the place to be.

Before she leaves, she hired a manager to the store so that someone will look after the restaurant if she is not around. It's only Si[1] hour when she finishes everything. She only needs to hire a servant on her next visit or if the renovation is finished.

She plans to build a restaurant with the modern dishes she has. From Italy, Mexico, China, Korea, States, Philippines, Japanese, and many foreign dishes all over the world. She will store a lot of money for future purposes.

She was a woman who wanted to produce as much money as she can. In her world before, not only she was a Mafia Queen, Business Woman is her disguise so no one will suspect her illegal doing.

Now, she wanted to visit her Eldest sister but before she went there, she did buy a lot of food for herself. She also plans to renovate the Hua Kai Pavilion since it really looked abandon.

It was much worse than the Cold Palace of the Imperial Palace. Even Zexel, can't stand that kind of surrounding, what's more, her eldest sister.

When she arrive at the Hua Kai Pavilion, she jumps over the wall to go inside the Pavilion when someone in a carriage saw what she did.

"Do you know who is that lass[2]?" He asked coldly to his subordinate.

"Replying to master's question. It was Lady Fan Lihua, the Seventh Daughter of Prime Minister Fan Xuan Yan. The second female genius of the Pingjing Country," a man in black robes answers.

The man smirks as he let the carriage moved again. After a while, they arrive in the man's courtyard. The man was being carried with his three subordinates as he sits in his wheelchair.

The surrounding of his courtyard was really gloomy and if you're new in that place, you'll feel a lot of chills even if it was summer. The place was emitting a dangerous and scary aura as if you step in, you'll die immediately.

Just the Calligraphy of the Plaque was bearing a terrifying and dominant aura every stoke, you can see how the person gives a lot of effort to do that kind of Plaque.

The word in the Plaque which is 'Ming Wangfu'[3] adds a more terrifying aura to it. The man in the wheelchair was none other than Ming Wangye[4] Feng Zhenying.

He was a cripple general of Pingjing. He has a lot of achievements and how brutal and vicious he was in the battle. He was one of the reasons why a ninth-grade country like Pingjing was still in a stable position.

Sadly, in his last battle, his both legs had been cripple while they are battling to the border. At the age of 8, he has already been having a head-to-head battle which makes a lot of people admire him.

But now, a lot of people are all avoiding him like he has a contagious disease. Other than being cripple, he has a huge scar on his face making him like a ferocious beast in the wild. So he was wearing a mask to hide that area.

A lot of rumors said that even his cultivation was crippled in his last battle making him a useless person in the eyes of everyone and even in the Imperial Family.

They forget how Ming Wangye defends the borders to prevent the war inside the Capital.

But the people in this world naturally had been greedy towards power. So when he became a cripple, it all means that his power was also been taken away from him.

So people forget him after years past. Feng Zhenying moved inside the Wangfu and the housekeeper immediately prepares everything. Feng Zhenying has mysophobia. He doesn't want someone to be touch by someone and he was a completely clean freak.

And when he went to his room, he lay down on his bed while reminiscing how interesting Zexel was.

He wanted to sleep but couldn't afford to because Feng Zhenying's mind was occupied by Zexel's image. After a while, he put his self in his wheelchair and begun to stroll outside.

"Benwang[5] needs to do something,"


Zexel and Fan Yaoli began to familiarise themselves with each other that day. Fan Lihua even used another batch of banknotes to used for renovating the Hua Kai Pavilion and they will start tomorrow.

It's already at you[6] hour why she decided to come back to her courtyard. She immediately shut the door and begun to cultivate.

She gathered a lot of Qi as she can feel how it flows to her meridian before it reaches her Dantians.

She sweats a lot as she cultivates at this hour. Zexel doesn't even monitor how many hours she had been cultivating but after a while, a violet ring appears on her ring finger as she feels a lot of strong sensation.

She feels so hot as she continues to cultivate. Zexel endures the pain as she wants to know long she can stand this kind of pain. The sensation was moving around her right ring finger repeatedly where the violet ring was forming.

Zexel doesn't know if this kind of feeling was really part of cultivation but because of her determination and desire to become powerful, she did endure the pain.

After a while, the pain lessens slowly until it disappears. Zexel felt that she had been fighting to one battalion of enemies.

Perhaps because the body's host really didn't endure this kind of pain before that's why Zexel's body reaction was a bit harsh to her. When she was in the Modern Era, this kind of pain was only a child's play to her since she grows up in the harsh surrounding making her survive to the fittest.

But because of her willpower, she did endure everything.


1: Si Hour (巳) - Snake Hour 9-11 am
2: Lass - deep word for Woman or single woman
3: Ming Wangfu (冥王負) - Demon Prince's Courtyard
4: Ming Wangye (冥王也) - Demon Prince
5: Benwang (本網) Prince' way of addressing his self
6: You Hour (酉) - Rooster Hour 5-7 pm

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